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In the Hidden Leaf village during the middle of the night. The sound of a woman screaming could be heard in the hospital. A woman in her mid-20s.

"AHHH!" A woman with long blonde hair screamed in pain as tears began to build up in her eyes.

"The baby is almost here, my love, just hang in there." A man with pale skin, long raven hair tied back in a ponytail, and bright purple snake eyes said. The man was none other than the Kenji, the son of Orochimaru, the snake Sannin.

 "Shut up, snake eyes! Don't tell me to hang in there. You are not the one who is giving birth! So you don't understand my pain!" She yelled, glaring at her lover.

Kenji chuckled at his wife's behavior." Your quiet ann feisty pregnant woman, " He muttered.

"What was that!? I didn't quite hear you?" She asked, glaring at him still. He just shook his head, saying it was nothing.

"Alright, just one more last push!" Biwako Sarutobi, the wife of the Third Hokage, said.

The woman came one more powerful push, ready for what was almost along nineteenth hours of labor to finally be over, especially during the middle of the night when she could be sleeping.

"Congratulations, it's a beautiful little girl," Biwako congratulated the new parents on their baby girl. "I let your father know he can come in now," She said, handing the baby girl over to her mother.

"Thanks, Lady Biwako," Kenji said as she headed off to get his father.

"A beautiful girl, isn't that the gender you were hoping for, Shinju?" Kenji said as he looked at the baby girl in his lover's arms.

Shinju smiled as she cradled her new baby girl in her arms."Yeah, I was hoping for a baby girl. She is quite beautiful for a newborn, isn't she?"

"Oh, she sure is a beautiful little girl with mostly raven hair like her father and grandfather, but they're a little bit of blonde," A familiar snake-sounding voice said.

Kenji and Shinju looked to see a tall, pale man with long raven hair and golden snake eyes wearing a purple kimono and black pants walking into the hospital room and looking at the baby girl.

"Your right. It is a little of blonde, but it is probably going to be all raven when she grown up," Shinju said. 

"I agree my father's genes seem pretty strong after all. I look a lot like him, but my mother's eye color," Kenji stated.

"Well, you don't know for sure if my genes are stronger unless you have another kid," Orochimaru said. "However one thing for sure with that beauty of hers she going to have a lot of boys after her when she is older," He said, smiling at his new granddaughter.

"Hey, she was just born. Don't talk about boys yet, father. She is still way too young for boys," Kenji sated with a dark aura around him as he glared at his father.

"I'm just kidding, son. Relax," Orochimaru said, chuckling at his son's protective side along with Shinju."You always tell me to loosen up more. Anyway, what do you plan to name her?" He asked.

"I am thinking of naming her Masumi Karatachi," Shinji said. "What do you think?" She asked.

"Masumi as in pure beauty," Kenji said. "I think that name is perfect for her."

"I agree it's a beautiful name," Orochimaru said, smiling a genuine smile that he only showed his son and his son's wife. "Well, I will be going now to let you both relax after welcoming my new granddaughter to the world."

"Alright, glad you could get away from the lab to see her," Shinji said, smiling as Orochimaru started to walk off.

"Yeah, if you go back to the lab," Kenji started. "Don't stay too long and tell the old geezer Danzo his assignment can wait. You have to spend time with your granddaughter after all."

"I try my best, son, but you know how Danzo can be," Orochimaru said, waving bye to Shinji and his son as he walked out of the hospital room.

"Well, I can only hope," Kenji sighed, having a feeling something terrible was going to happen in the future if he kept working in Danzo root.

"I'm sure everything will be fine, Ken-kun," Shinji said, sensing her husband's worry.

"I hope you're right," Kenji said.

Well, here we have it, the first chapter of my very second fanfiction. Let me know what you think of the story so far and what you're looking forward to seeing happen throughout the story.

Anyway, thanks for reading.

Word count: 778

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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