Ep 1 - Goodbye..

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???:hi mimi
mimi:[i smile at him]wanna play at he forest?
Mimi:then Call for zizi, gugu, clin, and guin, also!
Lulu:okay, Then me just get them
lulu:[i rush going where zizi, gugu, clin, and guin are]
???:[we arrive there seeing a ---- --- girl waiting]
mimi:zizi! Gugu! Clin! Guin![i shouted calling their names]
Zizi:so where we gonna play?
Mimi:at the Forest!
Guin:then what are we waiting for? Let's go!
Mimi:[we entered at the forest and immediately search an perfect place to play]
Mimi:[we found an perfect place, we rest abit then start playing different games]
Mimi:[on the middle of our game were all having fun that we didn't notice that there's a wolf behind us]
Mimi:[the wolf shows up, we start panicking like we didn't know what we will do]
Mimi:[we immediately stand up and run away but the wolf is behind on us]
Gugu:the wolf still chasing us!
Mimi:[I start thinking on how we will able to escape from this wolf that are chasing us]
Mimi:how about this, u guys can go in different way and i will distract the wolf[i said while running away]
Lulu:we can't do that!
Mimi:then call for a help while i am distracting it?
Zizi:[i hold his shoulder while still running]we don't have choice but to do it, lulu
Guin:either i am[with a sad tone]
Lulu:[i start tightening my grip]sure, but promise me that u will be safe
Mimi:i will
Mimi:[once the perfect time come, i separated my way from the others]
Miya:[glady, the wolf followed me instead of them]

With lulu

Lulu:[we run as fast as we can to get out of the forest and call a help]
Lulu:[we arrive at mimi's village and heading to where her brother is]
Lulu:[we hasn't came inside but i start shouting calling her brother]
???:[i hear someone shouting. it was ------- or should i say lulu, immediately goes where i hear the shout from]
???what's the matter?
Lulu:mimi..[i said while panting]
???:What about her?
Lulu:[i told him everything]
???:[my eyes got widen, after hearing what ------- said]

Back with mimi

Mimi:[as i was running from the wolf, I didn't know that the road i got in was already at its end]
Mimi:[i looked down, and see a river down there where i can land but it was higher from below]
Mimi:[the wolf was already infront of me. So i don't have Choice but to jump]
Mimi:☁️lulu..gugu..zizi..guin..looks like this is the last time u will saw me
Mimi:☁️Lulu..i am sorry i couldn't keep my promise but pls still live even if i am about to be gone in this world]
Mimi:[i close my eyes and jump]
Mimi:[i landed on the water but that water is running too fast it made me drowning, then my head was hit hard on a big rock in the river]
Mimi:[before i could close my eyes i once again smile and i saw them above the water]

Present time

???:hey girls!
Girls:and there u are!
Gusion:[i saw my girl Lesley and approach her, i kiss her at her cheeks]
Granger:[i approach to my girlfriend Guinevere, and hug her behind]
Layla:oi, where at the cafeteria so stop doing that
Clint:did u also want me to do that?
Layla:yes, but not here
Lesley:come on layla, let Clint experience it
Laylay:nope, sitting with him is fine
Freya:[I laugh]
Zilong:may i?
Freya:u Don't need to ask that
Zilong:i need too
Guinevere:how gentleman
???:[i approach to them but didn't say anything nor talk]
Gusion:[while the girls are chatting, i notice a Blondie boy wearing a blue coat standing behind Guinevere and granger]u finally approach on us
???:I don't have anything to do so, i came out
Guinevere:then that's great for u, alu
Gusion:she will be happy if she know that u finally approach on us
Lesley:who are u talking about?
Zilong:-not here, lesley-
Guinevere:w.why don't u have a sit?
Alucard:[i sat down beside gusion]
Freya:-zilong, what gusion talking about?-
Zilong:-i will tell u later-

At Freya's dorm

Lesley:so who's that person gusion talking about?
Zilomg:[we (the four) looked at each other, and sight]we don't her real name but we called her "mimi"
Freya:wait why u guys didn't know her name?
Gusion:because "mimi" don't want to say her real name
Layla:then where did that mimi name came from?
Guinevere: she said it came from her real name
Granger:so her real name might have "mi"?
Lesley:it could be..mina!
Granger:it can be miana
Freya:it's also possible that her name is actually mimi
Guinevere:maybe, but as we said we really don't know
Tigreal[📢]:may i gusion and his team head at my office, pls head their immediately
Lesley:[when we arrive there]
Lesley:were here sir
Tigreal:come in pls
Lesley:[we came in]
Gusion:why are we called here, sir?
Tigreal:ur team is having a new member
Alucard:☁️another member?
Gusion:we don't need to, were already that many
Tigreal:yes i know, but i am the one who assign Her in ur team
Girls:☁️so she is a girl..
Tigreal:u may come in

A girl who has a Silver hair came in with a blue ribbon tied on her ponytail

The four:!!!
???:[i close the door as soon as i am already in, and approach to mr.tigreals table]

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