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Sofie took a deep breath before walking into the Ferrari motor home. While right on the heels of the assistent, she felt extremely tense, yet excited to finally see him again. Her heart beat fast. There were so many new impressions, so few things she recognised. The red on the walls stood out, blending in with her lightly flushed cheeks, which, she knew, would change into a much deeper shade of pink when finally seeing Charles.

After being instructed to knock on the very last door in the hallway, Sofie did exactly that. Just seeing his name on the door made her feel things. She heard a masculine voice call out a 'come in'. She pushed the door open.

There he was. He looked caught off guard when he saw her, the water bottle falling out of his hands at once.

Sofie underwent a hot rush of adrenaline. Her heart started to beat faster, because his contended eyes were the most beautiful ones she'd ever seen, and truthfully, she hadn't seen it coming. And while Charles studied her, still speechless out of surprise, a shy smile appeared on his lips. There was no over-confidence about him, nothing that set her off, just that pure attraction and enchanting smile that she easily recognised from that night — when she'd kissed him so intensely.

Charles gazed at her dreamily, almost forgetting to speak. 'You're early.' He said with relief, catching a deep breath. He brought a hand up to his chin, eyes stuck on the brunette on the other side of the room. 'Wow, you look...'

Sofie released a nervous chuckle. 'Presentable? I hope.'

'Gorgeous.' He smiled.

Their gazes lingered. Both allowed a brief silence to fall, in which they remembered, reminisced, dwelled on the past. All thoughts returned back to that night in the club.

Charles clearly hadn't expected her yet, though glad he didn't have to wait a second longer. He could hardly believe that she was actually here; as beautiful as he remembered, like she'd stepped right out of his memories. He was the first to wake from the mutual stare, clearing his throat, catching her attention right away. 'Come here.' He said softly, longing to feel her against him again.

Sofie didn't hesitate. Her arms curled around his neck, a stupid smile visible on her lips that she hoped he wouldn't see.

For a moment, all they could think about was that kiss from Saturday night. About how right it had felt, how intense and enjoyable. With his arms around her waist, Charles thought back to the moment he'd first kissed her; hands on her hips, tongue moving over hers, tasting of the beer and margaritas he'd ordered for her previously. There was barely a way around the curiosity he felt for her, let alone the feelings that were already there.

The two parted slightly awkwardly. Her brown eyes assimilated each freckle on his face, the light stubble that she'd felt while kissing him, the green sparkle in his gaze that she'd never seen before, and lastly, the shape of his perfect lips.

Then, Sofie's brows furrowed, arms still comfortably around his neck. 'I forgot to wear something red.' She sighed.

Charles grinned adorably at her. 'I think I'll be able to forgive you.' He said through his smile, then caught side of the Ferrari cap on the desk. 'Oh — wait. Here you go.' He placed the flaming-red cap on her head, making her smile.

'Suits me, don't you think?' Sofie asked, pulling at the front of the cap to adjust it. She struggled not to smile as bright as she did.

Charles thought for a second, plenty running through his mind, but unsure whether it would be too early to say exactly what he was thinking. 'I bet everything suits you.' He said, gentle hands still resting on her waist, unmoving. Then, he inhaled sharply, studying the deep brown that were her eyes. 'You're just as I remembered. Maybe even better.' He said without even blinking.

Sofie threw her head back with a little laugh, arms falling to her sides. It was an attempt at hiding her already intense feelings for him. 'Please, I was a drunk mess that night.'

Charles watched her lean against the desk, a sweet grin on her face. 'So was I.' He confessed, yet again returning to those sweet events. 'I'm just glad I didn't turn out to be a mistake.'

His words surprised Sofie. 'You definitely... weren't a mistake, Charles.'

It pleased him to know that, lips forming into a small smirk. 'Here I was thinking you were just in it for the drinks.'

Sofie looked around the room while thinking about her next answer. She shrugged, liking the way his stuff was messily spread all over the place — it was so much like herself. 'I might have taken slight advantage of that.' Her lips curled into a smile, giving him an intense glance. 'But only on the beginning, don't worry.' She teased.

The way she spoke, smiled and teased, it melted him from the inside out. 'Well, maybe you could make it up to me sometime.'

Even if it wasn't like that, dangerous thoughts struck Sofie's mind. She could barely keep herself from flushing bright red again, glancing away, then looking back.

'Any suggestions?' She asked.

Charles looked down, the corners of his mouth pulling upwards forcefully. He placed his fingertips down on the desk, butterflies robbing him of his confidence, then looked back at her and nodded. 'I could think of a few, yes.'

Sofie approached him again, demanding his fullest attention. 'Tell me one.'

'Let me take you out tonight.'

It was said without hesitation. Charles knew exactly what he wanted, and that was to spend time with her until darkness fell.

Sofie pretended to think, stepping closer, then finally gave him the much anticipated permission. 'I thought you'd never ask, Leclerc.' She said, patting his chest lightly.

She knew exactly what she was doing, charming him the way she'd never charmed anyone. There was no way around the tension in the room, at least not anymore, and they both recognised it without any trouble. In fact, it would be difficult to pretend like there was none at all, because the intense nerves and hormones had already started a whole life of its own.

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