Emergency Contact

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Carson was busy in his office when he gets a call from the hospital. His stomach tightened, thinking it was something about Nancy.

"H-hello?" Carson answered the phone nervously.

"Is this Carson Drew?" the nurse on the other end of the call asked.

"Yes, that's me." Carson replied, still unnerved.

"I'm calling because you are listed as Ryan Hudson's emergency contact." the nurse told him.

"I'm on my way." Carson said, getting up from his desk and grabbing his car keys before he could even register the fact that he's listed as Ryan's emergency contact.

When Carson got to the hospital, they told him that Ryan had been hit by a car that had ran a red light. Luckily, he had no life threatening injuries; only a couple broken ribs, a bruised hip, a broken arm, whiplash, and a mild concussion. Seeing his boyfriend in a neck brace felt like a punch in the gut.

"Oh, honey, how did this happen?" Carson said worriedly sitting at Ryan's bedside.

"One minute, I was crossing the street, the next, I was laying on the road in a lot of pain." Ryan replied.

"Did anyone get the license plate number of the car that hit you?" Carson asked, holding Ryan's hand and rubbing the back of it.

"I don't know, it all happened so fast. Carson, I wanna go home." Ryan whimpered, squeezing Carson's hand.

"I know, honey, but the doctor wants to keep you over night for observation." Carson said, stroking Ryan's head.

"Please stay the night with me, I don't wanna be alone." Ryan said.

"Of course, first I'll call Nancy and tell her what's going on." Carson replied before kissing Ryan's forehead.

He steps out into the hall and calls Nancy.

"Hey, Dad, what's up?" Nancy said, answering her phone.

"Hi, I just wanted to let you know that Ryan's in the hospital." Carson told his daughter.

"What? Oh my god, what happened? Sh*t, was he involved in that accident I heard about...that hit-and-run?" Nancy asked concerned.

"Yes, he was. Can you maybe look into that and find out who hit him?" Carson replied.

"You don't even have to ask." Nancy said before hanging up.

When the call was over, Carson goes back into the room.

"So, when did you change your medical information and made me your emergency contact?" Carson asked Ryan.

"About a week after I moved in, I made you and Nancy my emergency contacts." Ryan answered.

"But we weren't even dating then." Carson said.

"I know, but you and Nancy are the only people I've ever truly considered family, other than my mom. And you two are the only people I've ever trusted, other than Lucy." Ryan explained.

"Besides, my mom can't be my emergency contact...she's dead; and my dad can't either cause he's in prison for killing her." he chuckled halfheartedly.

"Ryan, baby, why didn't you just tell me when you did it?" Carson sighed, brushing a stray strand of hair out of Ryan's face.

"Honestly....I completely forgot to tell you or Nancy." Ryan admitted, laughing some.

The two share a short laugh, but had to stop because the laughing was starting to hurt Ryan's ribs. After Ryan was discharged from the hospital the next day, Ryan took him home and got him set up on the recliner.

"Why can't I be in the bed, or the couch?" Ryan whined.

"The bed's upstairs, you're not walking up that many stairs in your condition. The recliner provides the best support for your neck." Carson explained while fluffing Ryan's pillow and pulling up the footrest of the recliner.

"Are you comfortable? Do you need anything?" he asked laying a blanket across Ryan's lap.

"Yeah, I'm comfortable. I could use a smoothie." Ryan replied.

"I'm home and I brought smoothies!" Nancy called out, walking into the house.

"Nancy, you're a mind reader! Gimme!" Ryan said making grabby hands for the smoothie in Nancy's hand.

Nancy gives Ryan his smoothie then hands one to Carson.

"Nancy, what the h*ll happened to your hand!?" Carson gasped, pointing to his daughter's right hand that had bruises all over the knuckles.

"Oh this? I....may or may not have....maybe punched the lady who hit Ryan with her car in the face." Nancy replied nonchalantly.

"NANCY!!!" Carson and Ryan scolded.

"Oh come on, she deserved it! If she had been going just a bit faster when she hit Ryan, he would've died!" Nancy argued.

"I gotta look out for my bio-dad." she added.

"Thanks, Nancy." Ryan replied, smiling.

"But maybe next time you defend someone's honor, try not to commit assault." Carson told her.

"Okaaayyyy." Nancy groaned jokingly.

With Carson's love and care, and Nancy's fierce protectiveness, Ryan knew he made a good decision when he made them his emergency contacts.

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