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Now to start of with what is life?
Us living is called life?
Is there any deeper meaning into this word called life?
Is there any meaning to the word called life?
Or even any purpose?

We human beings have different thoughts on this thing called life.
Some might say we live to serve the god.
Some might say we're given life so we have to enjoy it.
Some might even say it's pointless and go into suicidal thoughts.

But what is the meaning or purpose in life?
Are we supposed to listen to the people who talked about God from centuries back And obey the gods? But what do you get in return from obeying the god?wealth? Fame?,But infact you get nothing in return. If you say you get a place in heaven what's your guarantee? You can never be so sure if even this thing called god exists

Our earth is rotten, only those with wealth and fame can do good, the rest are thrown away in some unknown places just to rotten to death. Those people who are living in slums what did they do to deserve such life? Did they not pray to God as well? Did they not obey the gods?, precisely they don't have money. The most important thing in life is money and without that you cannot do anything. Money is everything in earth, in order to survive you need money.

Some might say money would not buy happiness, well then why not give away those money? Give to those poor who is in need of money? You won't as in fact you need money to live on.

Another abstract thing is love. What is love? An emotional feeling between 2 ?
As for love, you either get it truthfully or get betrayed. Trust and honesty is the most important thing in this love, without it you can never last long. But there is those betrayal which can lead people to be depressed.

Depression. An emotional feeling when you're at the lowest. Depression is the worst feeling to get as it can lead to suicidal thoughts well that's what people would think. But is suicide bad? You may think suicide is stupid as you're throwing away you're precious life given to you, but it all comes down to what is purpose of living.

We live for society, we work for society and we die for society. That's all I can think of as living in this world. You get fame, you get wealth, you enhance the world for the new generations which is yet to come, but why all this trouble when you're going to be forgotten after death?

Do what you love to do. Is indeed the best sentence you can say to a person in earth, to not work for society, to not die for society, not for next generation, not for other people, just you and only. Well this may be selfish but it's the best way to live a life in my opinion. Just doing everything I like and not caring about others and die peacefully with fulfilling all the stuff I wanted to do and not waste time on society or other people.

For me I only have 1 purpose in life. My love for space is extraordinary, the moment I become a astronaut and reach space, take a small walk in moon maybe. That's when my life would be fulfilled and I would officially have no purpose in life. This indeed is my only thought, simply living for my own self being selfish, as there is no other purpose in life than to live for yourself.

I do have suicidal thoughts time to time, but I would never do it has I hate feeling pain. I may think that maybe there could be ways of dying without feeling pain, but what's stopping me is my love for space. I gotta go through so many hardships and reach space before dying, without it I would be no different from those who don't live for themselves, I would be no different from those rotten people.

I simply cannot understand girls. They are too complicated for my brain to handle, you can never understand thier thoughts as if they are some superior beings. As of now i have never liked any girl truthfully and only with lust. With that thought of betrayal I could never go into relationship and have feelings for one, and being in a complete state of despair after being betrayed.

As said I simply don't understand the meaning of life or purpose. Why did these so called "gods" created us. what if we're not even real? What if this is just a dream? What if we're in a matrix world? Anything could be possible but yet we live without any thought of it.

My thoughts may have been pointless to you, but rethink your Decision in life. Are you really living for yourself? Or are you those rotten people, working for society and simply rotting away without anyone caring about you even though you put so much work. Think clearly on what you want your life to be.

Do not waste your precious life on worthless beings and only for yourself.

Thus concludes my thoughts on life

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