Chapter 109 The Su family has an aunt

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The Meng family was in chaos.

Second Young Master Meng took his precious pencil case, Hui Mo carried a pile of things prepared by Mrs. Meng, and the two rushed to the examination room in the Meng family's carriage.

The fragrant sweet-scented sweet-scented osmanthus wafted in the yard of the Chen family. Chen Xi slumped comfortably on the imperial concubine's couch in the yard. She also has a plate of sweet-scented osmanthus jelly in her hand. Is there anything more comfortable than this?

"Miss, Madam said, if you want to pay homage to Guanyin Bodhisattva in her house, you can go anytime." Xia He served Chen Xi a cup of tea. The green tea is rippling in the wind, and some cinnamon petals fall into the tea cup.

Chen Xi waved the round fan in her hand and opened one eye: "How many times have I said it, the mother's house is for Guanyin, regardless of Wenquxing's affairs." She closed her eyes leisurely again, she had already begged for him .

"It's not good to let the goddess Guanyin tell Wen Quxing." Xia He muttered, and went down with the residual tea on the small table.

Countless days and nights, when Chen Xi thought of Meng You's scientific expedition, he would pray to various gods and hope that everything would go well. Many things in this life are different from the previous life, but this matter, she hopes that it will continue to develop as in the previous life and will not change.

When Xue Li ended up in her previous life, she lived in Baima Temple for three days under the pretext of praying for her grandmother, just to pray for him. Now that Meng You is going to take the exam, Chen Xi doesn't have much nervousness in his heart, only stability.

He will definitely pass. There was a voice in Chen Xi's heart that kept repeating. From the moment she met Meng You, Chen Xi's life had been changing, and she didn't feel panic because of it, only peace of mind.

Jiangnan, Yangzhou.

The girl knelt in the small Buddhist hall, strands of light at dusk slipped down her jet-black hair, and spots of light jumped on her delicate side face. She closed her eyes, clasped her hands in front of her chest, and said something silently in her mouth.

Yun Jin stood at the door of the Buddhist hall with a hint of anxiety on his face. Miss Biao's condition in Su Mansion is getting worse and worse.

The old lady fell ill again recently and has no energy to manage things, so the two young masters are more attentive, and they always hang out at the door of Yuyingxuan with the excuse of waiting for illness. Madam was even more arrogant, she couldn't get used to Lin Ying for a long time, and Lin Ying was already in a place of helplessness.

It seems that only in these few hours in the old lady's small Buddhist hall, Lin Ying can find a moment of peace.

Do you want to leave? This sentence flashed in Lin Ying's mind countless times. Leave, leave here, and go back to that small yard in Yunzhou. Although the courtyard is small, it can breathe more freely.

But when she went to Madam Su's courtyard, she couldn't say goodbye again. The grandmother's earnest eyes and trembling hands lying on the hospital bed reminded her that once she left, it might be a farewell.

Sometimes when she was half-sitting by the bed to take care of her sleeping grandmother, she would hear the yawn in her dream, and when she heard the sound of "Yao'er", Lin Ying couldn't open her mouth.

Mrs. Su's eyes looked at her more and more like she was looking at another person through her. Lin Ying knew that the old lady was watching her mother.

There was a rush of footsteps outside, followed by the whispers of Yun Jin and other maids. Lin Ying opened her eyes, and Yun Jin's voice came from behind: "Miss Biao, the second aunt is here."

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