The Annoyance of The Xbox Playing Boys

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This day starts with Ronan (my 11 year old brother) phoning my auntie to ask if her son can come over, she asked him if someone is there he said "oh yeah my sister is here". I'm not in the mood to babysit the kid, James's laughter is the most annoying, its like he is screaming which then scares me if he hurt himself.

But soon enough auntie is already dropping James off with his toys and an extra Xbox controller, she asks me if my mother is home I reply with a simple "no" she leaves after. James and Ronan go upstairs to go play on the Xbox, I already hear his high pitch laugh coming from the tickles Ronan give him.

Now its 12pm and I haven't had breakfast yet so I look through the fridge for any bacon that needed to be eaten, but all I see is yogurt and lunchables for school. I guess yogurt can't kill me, but the disgusting texture literally sends shivers down my back so I put it back in the fridge and close it. So much for breakfast. I guess Netflix won't hurt now but I'm greeted with a plastic sword at my stomach and high pitch laughter ringing in my left ear then loud footsteps running upstairs.

'I swear to god if they will plan anymore mean schemes I will'... "I'm home!" Mother yells in the house she nearly scaring me. Well so much for Netlfix too, mother will probably watch Netflix. Ughh. Hmm what else is there to do... I could call a friend but Lacey is probably at a hockey game or practice and Andrea said she is spending the week in Whistler, going skiing or something like that.

My friends are very active while I'm here thinking about laying in bed all day watching Netflix. "Janet can you help me with the groceries?" Mother asked, "I suppose?". I pick up the bag full of meats and eggs and I put them away. I have figured what to do now I will read one of my comics, I have all these comics I read over and over again, they come from my older brother Sebastian who doesn't like comics and cartoons anymore

I go upstairs to find my brother and James looking at my comics and pointing out the cool heroes. I yell at them to leave my stuff alone, they both run to Ronan's room. I hate when little kids touch my stuff. I grab Captain America: Civil War but then I feel too lazy to read it I already know what's going to happen... (not spoiling it). I lay down on my bed and rest my eyes, I grab my iPad beside the bed and go on to Geometry Dash and fail four times then lose interest, I notice I have six messages from Andrea

Andrea: dude guess what?
Andrea: freaking Robb crashed into me on the mountain
Andrea: ....
Andrea: he broke my ankle
Andrea: so plans on Friday are canceled
Andrea: sorry Jan

I swear to god Robb is out to get me! He ruins all my plans with Andrea! Me and An were supposed to go to the museum, can't she get a wheelchair!? I love museums I love the medieval times weapons and the dinosaurs skeletons, who doesn't like the dinosaurs? Well I guess I could ask Lacey, but she will probably go out with Theo on Friday again. Ugh I guess I will lay in bed all day on Friday while reading comics again!

Another fantastic week for me :'(

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