Chapter 21

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Miyeon knocked but after not hearing a response, she decided to open the door quietly, thinking that Minnie might be sleeping. She carefully stepped inside and found out that she was right. Minnie is sleeping soundly in her bed. She closed the door and put her bag on the couch. She walked towards the sleeping woman.

Sitting on the bed, Miyeon pressed the back of her hand to Minnie's neck, checking if the woman's temperature is still high. She sighed in relief when she felt that Minnie's temperature was low. She removes her hand and plays with Minnie's hair.

Her eyes started to get lost on Minnie's face. She's starting to think how strong the woman is. How Minnie was still living after all those things.

"You did a great job, my
Minmin." She said softly.

My Minmin, when did even Minnie became hers? The last time that she remembers, she's just here to heal Minnie's wounded heart. To shut down the voices in her head. But why does it feel so much more? Why does it feel like she's more than that role?

Miyeon's thought was cut off when the woman in the bed moves. She brushes Minnie's hair, putting her back to sleep. But Minnie was quick to open her eyes.

"Hey.." Minnie's voice sounds hoarse. Obviously just woke up from her sleep.

Miyeon let out a chuckle when Minnie started to rub her eyes, cutely.

"Hello." Miyeon said softly as she  tapped Minnie's nose gently. Minnie let out a chuckle.

"How are you?" Miyeon asked.

Minnie just smiled, "What a good sight to see." she whispered instead.

That. How Minnie managed to
make her stomach twirl. How Minnie tickles her whole being by just saying those simple words.

Minnie moves closer to Miyeon waist and hugs her.

"This may sound random, but I want to tell you my story little by little." Minnie said that make Miyeon's eyes widened in surprise.

"You're ready?" Miyeon said, surprised.

Minnie nodded.

Minnie thought about that while Miyeon's gone. She realized that she's comfortable around Miyeon. She realized that she finally let someone enter her life even though
she knew the consequences after. She never really learns how to trust Miyeon, it just came naturally.  It's hard for her to trust someone but she's trusting Miyeon like her life depends on it.

"Min, don't force yourself. I don't need to know the whole story, but I'm glad you trust me with it."

And for her, Miyeon always knows what to say every damn time. She can't help but to think, how can someone like her exist? How can someone like Miyeon understand someone like her? She believes that she is a mess and even herself can't understand her. But the way Miyeon handles her is different.

Miyeon found a way to enter her heart without even knocking, without even trying. She just easily slips in because Minnie let her. Minnie didn't even notice that she was slowly breaking down her walls for Miyeon.

"I'm ready to tell you, ChoMi."

Miyeon can see how serious she is about telling her. Miyeon believed that she doesn't have to force Minnie to tell her the whole story. She believes that when Minnie is ready she'll approach herself and tell her. And she was right.

Miyeon slowly lay beside Minnie while Minnie's arms are still around her waist. Minnie helps her lay down comfortably and tucks her inside the blanket.

"Do you want to talk about it right now?" Miyeon asked softly. She's very careful on choosing what words to say for Minnie.

"Where do I start?" Minnie asked, chuckling as she moved closer to Miyeon. Miyeon lean her head on Minnie's shoulder.

"On which part you're comfortable." Miyeon said softly as she reached for Minnie's hand on her waist. "Whenever you're ready."

"When I was a kid, I used to believe that my family was happy, healthy and perfect. You met my mom, my dad is gone and I had a big brother."

Miyeon started rubbing Minnie's hand.

"While I was growing up I started to see my family's true colors. When I was 14 I find out that my parents are just staying with each other because of me and my brother. It's like I dropped my heart. I felt it stop beating. I thought that my parents love each other and that's a big deal for me."

'That's a big deal for me.' Miyeon can tell that Minnie is used that people around her invalidates her feelings.

"I can always hear my parents fighting while me and my brother is in another room." Minnie faced Miyeon. "My brother and I would always play the piano."

She said with a smile, but Miyeon can see the sadness and pain that are visible in her eyes.

"We found out that my Dad was cheating and because of that I only trust my mother and brother. I grew a hatred in my heart because my Dad is acting like nothing happened. Like he never hurt us."

Miyeon can sense that Minnie's breathing is started to shake. She put her palm on Minnie's cheek.

"Thank you for telling me. Let's continue it next time." She said while rubbing Minnie's cheek.

Minnie was surprised that she didn't hear a "Sorry, you have to go through that.". Miyeon didn't even made a comment about what she have said. She didn't even take sides like how people do when they hear the other side of the story.

Minnie nodded and smiled. "Thank you for listening."

"As long as I'm here, there's someone who will always listen to you."


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