Chapter 1- Abuela Dahlia

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"Long ago, there were two girls. Alma and Dahlia. They lived in a small part of town. One day, they had to flee. Alma was married, and had triplets she carried with her as we fled. Your grandfather made it. Pedro did not. Then, we were given a miracle. A candle that burned on the ground sparkled, and it burned brighter than before. Magic, my dear. Alma was separated from me when we went different ways. I never saw her again. But I know she's out there somewhere. Magical, just like we are. And I know, my granddaughter, that it is part of your magic to find the candle again."

"Stop daydreaming, girl," Mother complained. "That face is not pretty."

"Sorry, mother." I looked down, ashamed.

Mateo, my brother, walked over to me. "What were you dreaming about, (Y/n)?"

I made sure Mother wasn't listening and leaned over to whisper. "Grandma Dahlia was telling me the story again."

Mateo giggled. He barely remembered our grandmother. Only the way her mantecados tasted heavenly with every bite. I was the one who carried on the stories of the wise woman. Mother was almost ashamed of her mother. She tried to tell me abuela was crazy, but I knew better. Our magical town was not created from imagination.

"Stop whispering." This time, Mother slapped me across the cheek. The pain stung as I looked at her in shock. "So improper. You're a disgrace to our family name. Do me, and the rest of this town, a favor. Never show your face tonight at the party."

Mateo looked at me with tears in his eyes. He hated to see me in pain. "Do you want ice?"

"I'll be fine, Teo," I assured him.

"You'll be fine?" Mother rolled her eyes. "Such an arrogant little girl. Thinking she can defy me and ignore the consequences." She had me cornered in the living room. "We'll see how easy it is to ignore this."

The pain hurt. I was bloody, bruised, and barely able to stand by the time she was done with her rage. Teo ran to me, trying to shield me from the hits. But I refused to let him get hurt. Instead, Mother grabbed Teo's arm and dragged him out of the room. In a second, I had the door locked while barely able to stand.

Mother did not come back. I had to keep my breathing quiet to listen if Mateo was okay. But I knew Mother would never hurt Mateo. She always thought of him as the golden child. I was a disgrace on the family name because of me not being too feminine enough, not having a good enough body. Even not being able to do chores correctly.

I sobbed, finally letting the emotions get through me. With adrenaline rushing through me, I stood up and looked through my drawers. Maybe she found the stash. But I sighed in relief when the little pouch was still there, filled with tons of money. A little escape money from Abuela when she knew things would get bad.


I'm sorry for leaving you this way. The pain is too much to bear, and I can no longer stay. Be safe for me. This would be the only way to get Mother to stop. I love you, Teo.


My horse was waiting for me in the family stables. I snuck out the window, falling only a few feet. I ran and grabbed my horse, immediately saddling the steed. The girl started to gallop. I ignored the stares from the townspeople as I sobbed. But my horse knew where to go. She knew I wanted to get out of here. So she ran and ran.

"Pace yourself, Ezra," I managed to say.

But she kept going. Ezra made it to the hills surrounding our beautiful town, then stopped. I turned around, viewing the small town from afar. Wondering, for a brief moment, if I would get so homesick that I would want to return to the torture. I shook the thought from my head and cracked the reins.

I felt a shock run through me once I made it past the barrier of the city. Ezra stopped, refusing to move. I hugged her neck until I calmed down. When I looked up, the sky was gray. Storm clouds were cracking over a specific city. I didn't know there was another town outside of my city. Ezra moved again, but slower.


"Hola." I waved at the woman. I did a double take. "Disculpe. Donde estoy?"

"Estas dentros Encanto."

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