Acceptance Exist

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Atleast I want 60votes for this part...

Acceptance is key to happiness.

Emily shut her eyes and started playing this song and her journey to home was easy as never expected.
All big thanks to you BTS

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Emily as she went home and she take baby steps and stand infront of mirror and she saw her puffy face swallow eyes.

She tiered of Crying and blaming herself ,she want to bring some happiness in her life

Everything will change after good perspection 👍

And no more bad luck 😊

she realised that l can't change society's perspection but mine's

God gives everything but I wasn't never thankful, then why should I disappointed for one mark🤔

She accepted her mark and now she stopped hiding or feeling guilty.
She's no more that Emily who's a victim,and
cares others opinions.

Her acceptance change everything.she started living happily.
And her mark become a part of her face. And she's happy with what she have.😊

When you accept who you're and your current situation, then you can have best happiness forever.

"You can either sit down and be depressed by the darkness of the night or stand up and appreciate the beauty of the stars"
- Someone's dp😉

The end
Author's note
Your vote & comments are as much important as oxygen for human beings 😉

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