Last Night

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Last night was wild. I can't remember what happened exactly but I know for sure that it was insane. I'm laying here in a strangers bed, my mind spinning and my eyes shut.

I can feel his presence in the room, he's close to me, the familiar smell of his cologne edging closer.

"Ashton?" I ask aloud.

I think thats what he had said his name was, though I didn't know for sure - everything was rather hazy.

"Yes beautiful?" He replied. His voice smooth like honey. I couldn't help but go slightly red at the pet name he had already began to address me by, my eyes were still shut as I continued to speak to him.

"Where am I...what happened?" I ask. I ought to be worried having woken up barely conscious by the side of this stranger, this beautiful stranger.

For some reason I couldn't feel a hint of doubt or mistrust. Thats defiantly not normal.

"Your safe don't worry, this is just the transition phase, your morphing." He tells me as I finally open my eyes. A sharp pain shoots through me, throbbing at my neck causing me to screw my eyes shut again wincing, and at this I slowly begin to recollect the happenings of last night. Piece by piece I can remember the events... all coming together now...

*Flashback to the night before - Ashton's P.O.V*

"Why are we even here?" I ask indigently, eyeing and judging everyone around the bar as the four of us walk. To be honest I wasn't in the best mood, our clan had been suffering a lot lately, having been suppressed by the werewolf community yet again.

Food was short and we were marked out of the Lunar Woods, one of the best spots for hunting and a regular hang out for our clan. We've been trying our best but its not good enough! I'm the one in charge of hunting for our clan and I know I haven't been doing the best job, I mean, ten ducks for the four of us is absolutely pathetic!

My thoughts were interrupted by an over joyed Michael. "Because Ashton, everyone's been moody as hell lately and I reckon everyone could use a good time eh?!" He said smiling from ear to ear.

Usually, Michael never fails to make me smile but tonight I was pretty sure my brood would remain in tact all evening long.

Calum rolled his eyes at Michael.

"You always reckon we could use a good time, good times never stop for you do they Clifford?" Calum remarked bitterly.

Michael didn't even register Calum's sulky comment and replied as happy go lucky as ever.

"Too right you are Hood! And besides, we could all use a good feasting...they're plenty of hot chicks around that wouldn't be too bad of a snack." He said carefully eyeing the room as we all took our seats round a table at the back.

I couldn't help but also grin at what Michael had just said. I was hungry, and this bar was babe buffet, all I had to do was pick the right one.

Calum made a face at us and shook his head. "You lot are sick, how can you eat humans?" He asked. Calum was only a fledgling which meant he hadn't yet drank human blood, he only has another week left until his mortal body dies...he'll perish also if he doesn't drink up soon.

"Oh my my Calum we wouldn't eat the fragile little humans no, just drain enough blood to satisfy our hunger and then we'll be on our way. They won't remember a thing the next morning so theres no harm done." Said Michael.

This was true, vampires don't eat humans - well, most of us dont. We only need a small amount of their blood. "So you just bite and go?! Doesn't that hurt them?" He asked, earning a snicker from Michael.

Luke scowled at him from across the table and turned his attention to Calum. "Yes Calum it hurts them a little but its over in a matter of seconds so its fine." He told him calmly.

In my opinion Luke is like a saint or some shit. He's so calm that I don't understand him a lot of the time, I wonder how anyone puts up with the kind of shit that Luke has the patience to sit through.

"But it still hurts them?" Cal asked looking around the table, we all gave him a nod and he slumped back further into his chair, folding his arms. "Then I refuse to do anything of the sort." He stated, jaw set.

I understood where Calum was coming from, but he needed to understand that if he didn't drink soon he'd surely die. "You don't have to drink human blood after you do it once, the four of us only ever drink animal blood because of Lucas over here." Said Michael, jerking a thumb towards a scowling Luke.

Luke frowned. "We don't want to be killing humans Clifford." He said, giving Michael a dirty look. Michael returned an icier glare. "You don't want to be killing humans and we all know why." He spat.

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