Chapter 30

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How did Kyra make it look so easy?

She and Castiel had known each other for all of a month and were already smoothly planning out their wedding. Hurdles I would have expected to be insurmountable were leaped with ease and grace.

After their engagement, I ordered a celebratory meal. Fen picked up Astrea from the school so she could join us, and her reaction when Kyra explained that she and Castiel were going to be married was hilarious. She hadn't known Kyra was seeing anyone. Naturally, no one explained the circumstances to Astrea. She didn't need to know that Kyra and Castiel were still getting to know each other, or that they were moving up their relationship timeline to preserve Astrea's happiness. Fen did tell her that they were soulmates, which made Astrea squeal with happiness.

Later that night, Astrea, Fen, and Kyra retired to the movie room while I sat with Castiel and Benny over drinks.

"How will this work?" I asked. It was a nosy question, but I was too curious not to ask, and Fen wasn't here to do it for me.

"Hm?" Castiel hummed in question, looking thoroughly relaxed as he leaned back in his seat and gazed into the lit fireplace. Ever since things were settled between himself and Kyra, his guard had been melting away. Apparently, he had decided I posed no threat to him. He wasn't wrong; I would never intentionally ruin my sister's happiness.

"You and Kyra. You can't both inherit your thrones and be together." They might have gotten away with it if their territories shared more than the smallest border. Merging nations would have been tricky at best, but they were both surrounded by too many rivals. Spreading themselves thin trying to run two countries at the same time would leave them vulnerable.

"All hail King Benny," Castiel said, looking to his brother, who was curled up in the armchair and snoring softly. He looked like a kid who had tried to stay up too late and just couldn't make it.


That surprised me, but it was really the only way forward. No way could Astrea rule. Not Vidonia, at least. Not after the number Euripides did on it. He had created a culture of bigotry and mistrust, and intolerance to anyone who was different. Not to mention, she couldn't take over a country she no longer lived in. Astrea and I hadn't talked about her officially living with me, but I was certain she would agree.

"Really," Castiel answered. He swirled the drink in his glass, studying it with passive interest. "Benny and I talked about the possibility when I started pursuing Kyra. I never saw myself making a decision like this, but I couldn't get her out of my head." His eyes cut to mine and he smirked. "You understand, don't you? If I'm not mistaken, you share a similar connection with Fen."

I nodded instead of answering, because no way was I explaining all the ways I had complicated our relationship to Castiel. But watching Castiel and Kyra navigate this situation like it was straightforward when neither one of them felt the bond like Fen could had me thinking. How was it Fen and I had that advantage, but were so far behind them? Castiel had already set up a meeting with his parents and their advisors to explain the change in succession that would need to take place. He and Kyra had set a tentative date for their wedding over dinner. They just needed their parents' formal approval before they could finalize the details.

Meanwhile, Fen and I were stuck in limbo. I knew it wasn't a competition; relationships needed to develop at their own pace. Still, it stung.

I was ready for more, and I didn't understand why Fen wasn't giving it to me.

"I'm going to bed," I said abruptly, and stood up. "There are guards outside the room. They'll be able to show you to your bedrooms whenever you're ready."

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