Feeling's laid to rest

213 2 3

( 1 hours earlier, front of the old school Building )

[Ultra-Lance! Shepardon, SABER!]

Arata summons a sword from his Lance and starts charging at Raynare at super speed

Issei: Arata, WAIT!


Issei quickly ran Infront of Raynare and blocked Arata's swing with his Boosted-up Finalizer

Issei: Wait! You just met her! What did she do wrong!?

Arata: You said that She killed you didn't she!? Why are you protecting her!?

The DAL girls were shocked by what he said while DxD girls plus Sirsechs, Azazel and Michael were surprised at Arata knew. Basara tries to step in to calm Arata

Basara: Arata, Calm down, she might have an explanation-

Arata: Hell no! You think I would let this Scumbag of a bitch that killed my BEST FRIEND go alive!? Are you kidding me-!?


The group was stunned at Issei declaration, Raynare even blushed a little

Zero: Okay, that's sweet and nice and all but can we get to somewhere more comfortable? My legs hurt like crazy here

They all agreed and head back the Occult Clubroom, while trying to restrain Arata from Killing Raynare outright

( 20 minutes later )

Everyone got to the Clubroom, the injured that are tended to are healing up, but unfortunately the room was particularly quiet since the tension is still high as Arata stares Raynare down with full intention of deleting her from existence

Issei: Arata, Please you gotta let it go-

Arata counters

Arata: No. Issei, I've seen your memories, I know how she killed you without ANY remorse, I saw how you were scared and conflicted anytime any of us brought her up. I know better than to just leave you in that state again since she's right here

Rias rose her brow curiously

Rias: How did you see Issei's memories?

Shido Answers

Shido: Back when we all met for the first time in this Multiverse, I fuse my Ultra-powers and my new powers together for the first time when we were fighting a common enemy, it created pre-mapped out timelines of our lives that any of us can see. we all saw our lives play out together from beginning to end

Basara: And let's just say....

Ichika: Uncle-Arata didn't take it well

Kotori perks up

Kotori: So that means...

Arata Finishes, looking at everyone

Arata: I vowed to myself, I will absolutely go the extra mile for everyone I care about. That includes you too Riku...

Issei softly looks at Arata in the eyes

Issei: I know Shou, under all those quips you say and that persona you had on, the truth is, you're a really caring person, thank you... But,-

Everyone in the room looks at him

Issei: -You don't have to be overprotective, I'm not a Baby. Not anymore. I know when I'm making the right decision...... Raynare?

He then slowly turns to Raynare.... And hugs her, making her blush

Issei: I'm super glad and happy You're back

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