Dog House

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Stepping out into the hallway I heard all three brake down. Why the hell would he look at me that way. Not knowing what to do I went to Narcissa. Her rooms were right across from Harry's. I knocked then entered not waiting to be told to come in. She stared at me for a minute confused as I had just left.

"What's going on? What happened to upset you?" She questioned. Getting up and walking over she caressed my face. Searching my eyes for something that she seemed to find causing her to give a sad smile. "He called you dad didn't he." She tugged my hand gently till we reached her sofa. Somehow maneuvering me to sit next to her.

I stared straight ahead but gave a sharp nod. "You knew he would. How did you know" I asked trying to rain in the vast raging storm that was my emotions.

She sighed. "Same reason I know we both see him as our own son. You put him next to us. You protect him and when he cry's you jump to hold him. He does his best to make you proud. He is soothed quickest by you. And during our lessons he has been correcting himself from calling you dad for a while." She was looking at me with a blank face. While I took it all in.

My mind was caught on a strange fact. 'he tries to make me proud!?' the how's and why's bounced through my head. "Cissa I can't be his dad. I I stole that from him. How do you know he's tried to make me proud?" I looked at her willing her to understand. From the look of horror I knew she'd realized I'd told Harry no.

She visibility shook herself out of it. "Why do you think he was studying so hard? Why do you think he has been trying so hard? Did you really think it was for himself? That boy doesn't have a selfish bone in his body! He doesn't even care about money like most kids. All he's ever wanted is a family." She was glaring at me by the end clearly very angry at me. "Since you rejected him. At least tell me you told him why or did it with care." She was pinning me with a look that said it all. She'd always been able to read me like a book.

"He wasn't in a frame of mind to process it properly. I'll talk to him in the morning." At that she hit me upside the head. Grumbling about how I was an idiot. And got up grabbing a throw pillow.

She took hold of my hand dragging me to the door to Harry's room. Tossing the pillow to the floor she called Crashers. "He is to remain here all night. He will need a blanket." Then turned to me grabbing me by the collar. "You will talk to him in the morning dark lord or you will find a new consort. Do I make myself clear?" Gods she was terrifying when she was angry.

Giving her a dopey smile I answered. "Yes Mayam I will stay right here until I talk to him." Then I sat down and she went into her room. Looking over I saw my own elf also giving me the stink eye. Great I've upset half the house. The other half will follow suit to because Harry's stolen their hearts.

"Crashers tell Barty Harry might be late in the morning. And can you please bring me a big fluffy blanket." The elf popped away. A minute later popping back throwing the blanket at my face then left.

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