A Kortini to protect

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After last night then at the early morning

After last night then at the early morning

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came Kortini mom to talk with her

"I mean he showed up and I didn't even invite him"

"that's not okay"

"yeah I want Courtney to have someone who's good and wants to take care of her for the rest of your life"

"What If I find out I'm pregnant, I don't want to tell him"

"we're not telling him anything we don't know that he would be a good father and at this point we're going to pray not to have a baby but if that's why I'm God gives then we're going to go forward and bring it and do the right thing and all for we know that's a Gilson baby." And we we're getting ready for Aimee comeback from being quarantine and as we sit down to eat we told Aimee about Logan and Kortini break but we're just happy she's home. In the early morning the phone rang nilsa answered first but

then I got pissed when it keep ringing so I go upstairs and picked it up and I knew by the voice it was Logan

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then I got pissed when it keep ringing so I go upstairs and picked it up and I knew by the voice it was Logan

"Do you not get the point if someone hangs up on you. Means no one wants to talk to you so don't know and you don't only scared me you scared the other roommate so you're not welcome until you can get your act together and stop acting like an immature child okay do you understand do you understand." I hanged up and went outside and told the roomies

"I was upstairs and Logan called and I went off on him."

"It's scary."

"It's scaring me I'm usually quite but that guy pissing me off." Later in the day heaven came over we lay on my bed

"You told him that?" I told him about what happened in the morning

"It scary though that she had a guy like that and it's just annoying."

"I'm just telling you he does something to you or your friends I'll kick his ass then we got ready

"I'm just telling you he does something to you or your friends I'll kick his ass then we got ready

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and went out and party with the others

Belladonna 👑

I have been seeing heaven for much and I think those old feelings are rising up I feel like I'm starting to like him again


we keep dancing and out came Logan behind Kortini I'm like wtf when we get home the phone goes off I'm like really and Candace takes the phone and it's just gator and out came the fight of him and Candace I just go to my room with heaven

"Remember how you asked me back at middle school."

"Why?" He snuggled up to me

"I really do care for you" he whispers

"All those old feelings haven't gone away." He lifts my chin and we stare each other in the eyes

"I still love you." We kissed and hunched then in the morning I cuddle up to him and we kissed and he leaves for work, I get in the shower and leave

" We kissed and hunched then in the morning I cuddle up to him and we kissed and he leaves for work, I get in the shower and leave

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with nilsa and kortini to the doctor once we get their

"I don't even have to pee."

"Well you better drink some water." Once we come back

"Oh my god I'm nervous."

"Say a pray."

"What's up baby?"

"I just want to know something all y'all for being there for me like no matter what hopefully I'll still want me to like sit here with you guys I really do appreciate all y'all." And Kortini is pregnant but me and nilsa knew the true but we laugh bitch ain't pregnant at all lucky for her and we all decide to go out an party

so we all get drinking and we go to the slaty goat and party some more and I'm happy Kortini and Candace are drinking again and I see Kortini and Jeremiah are like always together and it's cute

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so we all get drinking and we go to the slaty goat and party some more and I'm happy Kortini and Candace are drinking again and I see Kortini and Jeremiah are like always together and it's cute.

A Bell Summers (Floribama Shore)Where stories live. Discover now