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Hopeandrea- My family says I have my moms smile

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Hopeandrea- My family says I have my moms smile

6,000 comments/10,256 likes

Username3-both you and your mom are beautiful 🤩

Hayleymarshall-You got the best traits from your father and I
^klausmikaelson-there is no question there
^hopeandrea-of course there isn't duh 🙄

Username5-my first celebrity crush was hope's mom 🙈

Rebekahmikaelson-but we all know that most of that beauty comes from hayley
^Elijahmikaelson-of course we all knew that
^klausmikaelson-wow brother I see how it is
^kolmikaelson-he isn't wrong brother
^hopeandrea-how about we agree that I have equal parts of each of you
^hayleymarshall&klausmikaelson-okay we can work with that

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