I'm Sorry Babe (pt 1)

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James POV:

"I can't believe you..." I whisper, unable to comprehend whats just happened. There's no way...

"please tell me your joking Riles...?" I say stepping back slowly, giving her space.

I don't get an answer, instead she just looks up at me. Tears overflowing running wild down her cheeks. I stand in shock. I can't believe it...

"I... I..." I continue to stammer before the emotions I was missing decided to suddenly hit me.

"I don't even want to look at you" I say through gritted teeth turning to face the door. I'm suddenly filled with the feeling of anger. I attempt to walk out but am stopped.

"James... Please..." she says reaching for my hand. I quickly turn and push her away before snapping.

"don't touch me!" I yell causing her to jolt back due to my sudden change in mood.

"look, I'm sorry... I..." she sniffles and continuesly wipe away her tears from her face.

"oh your sorry? Because that's gonna change things!" my breathing grows heavy at my frustration and I can't stand this. She shows no signs of stopping her cries so I just give up and shout.

"oh my god stop crying like a child. I'm the one in pain here not you! Now go run off to your little Prince boy! I don't want to fucking look at you!" I yell. losing all control.

"I hate you so much! I wish I never even dated you!"

I then just stand there. She freezes, shocked, tears still streaming but nothing could be heard anymore. The room fell dead silent. Once I register what I had said I cover my mouth with my hands. What did I just do...

She soon darted out the room as if her life had been threatened. Now I feel like screaming. Why the fuck did I say that! I didn't even mean it.

I was angry and the moment just took me by surprise. I wasn't even thinking clearly and now look what I've done. I've messed up big time.

I kick the cabinet beside me. It stung like hell but I deserved it. I shouldnt of said what I did. I mean I know what she did was wrong but I still love her, and I always will, I meant non of that spill I hit her with. I need to resolve this before it's to late...

I quickly run out the office and search for Riley. I have no idea where she could be.

"hey have you seen Riley anywhere?" I ask Michelle who just so happened to be lottering in the corridor.

"uh ya, actually, she went into the bathroom. She looked really upset. Is everything ok?" she asks curiously. I ignore her questions and turn to the girls bathroom opposite. I slowly walk closer to it and hear faint sobs. My heart sinks to the bottom of my chest.

"Michelle please make sure she's Ok, I can't go in there and you can. I'll be in the rehearsal room, I just need to take care of something" I plead feeling lost and helpless. I don't want to leave Riley but I'm sure she doesn't want to see me at the moment and I'm not even aloud in the girls bathroom

She sighs and agrees and I thank her before quickly running off towards the rehearsal room.

A/N: sorry I couldn't fit all the things I wanted into this one part so it's gonna be a part 1 part 2 kinda thing.

Jiley/trittany one shotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum