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"You'll have fun

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"You'll have fun."

"No. I won't. And you know I won't."

"Yes, you will. You like Lydia."

"Yeah, I do. It's the other one I'm not so fond of. Pretty sure she doesn't like me either."

Stiles sighed and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well you promised me you'd work on getting on everyone's good side," he said.

"And I have! It only took like four months but Scott has finally stopped glaring at me whenever I speak to him" Heather said.

"Good. You're making progress. Now work on Allison" he said.

Despite it being the last thing she wanted to do, ever, Heather ended up sitting in the backseat of Lydia's car with Allison in the front going on some sort of group thing while Stiles got to go with Scott so he could get a tattoo.

"It is not a triple date. It's a group thing" Lydia said as Allison complained about not wanting to see anyone else after breaking up with Scott.

Heather was with Lydia when she picked up Allison from the airport after having spent the summer in France.

Other than quiet nods the two hadn't spoken a word to each other.

And just because Heather told Stiles she'd try her hardest not to kill her didn't mean her hatred for the Argents had gone away.

"Do they know it's a group thing? Because I told you that I'm not ready to get back out there" Allison said.

"And I'm not interested" Heather added.

"You were in France and didn't do any dating for four months? And Heather, you have said that about every person I've introduced you to all summer," Lydia replied.

"I told you, I'm not the dating type. I'd rather spend one night with someone, maybe feed a little, then send them on their way" Heather said.

"How does Stiles feel about that?" Lydia asked.

"Why would I care what Stiles thinks?" she asked.

"No reason" Lydia shrugged.

"Lydia have you done any dating? I mean after-" Allison asked but was interrupted by Lydia.

"Do not say his name."

"Is he okay? I mean did everything work out?" Allison asked.

"The doctors looked like total idiots when he turned up alive. But everyone got over it. And yes, Derek taught him the werewolf 101. Like how not to randomly kill people during the full moon" Lydia replied.

Allison just smiled at her and asked, "So you talked to him?"

"Um, not since he left for London," Lydia said quietly.

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