Drunken Mistake?

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As Carson woke up with a splitting headache, he tried to piece together in his mind the events of last night. He remembered getting stood up by that DA woman he liked, remembered Ryan suggesting the two of them go out for drinks to cheer him up, and he remembered drinking a lot of drinks with Ryan, but everything after that was a total blank.

"Uhg, I'm too old to be drinking like this." Carson grumbled, scrubbing a hand over his face, feeling a little nauseous.

Shifting under the covers, Carson discovered that he was butt-a** naked.

"Uh oh." Carson mumbled to himself.

He peeks under the covers and sees right next to his hip the naked butt of someone lying on their stomach.

"Holy sh*t." Carson gasped when he looked to the side and saw Ryan's sleeping face on the pillow next to his.

Why the h*ll was Ryan Hudson in his bed!? And why were they both naked!?

"Psst...Ryan!" Carson whispered.

"Mmmff....in a minute..." Ryan mumbled sleepily.

"Ryan, wake up!" Carson said firmly.

"Alright, alright, I'm up.....wait a minute...this isn't the couch." Ryan said waking up.

"No, it's not, it's my bed." Carson replied.

"Why am I in your bed?" Ryan asked.

"Don't know." Carson shrugged.

When Ryan peeks under the covers, his eyes go wide and his jaw drops.

"Why are we naked!?" Ryan shrieked.

"I have absolutely no clue." Carson replied, pressing the heel of his palms to his eyes.

"Did we....ya know..."do it"?" Ryan asked nervously.

"I think we did." Carson sighed.

Ryan buries his face into the pillow he's using and groans, embarrassed.

"So...should we talk about it? Or should we just....forget it ever happened?" Ryan asked, shifting onto his back and sitting up.

"Yes! Let's pretend this never happened." Carson answered quickly.

"God, if anyone found out about this, my reputation would be ruined." he said leaning over the edge of the bed and grabbing his underwear.

"Wow....I had no idea the thought of sleeping with me was so disgusting to you." Ryan said, frowning dejectedly.

"Wait, Ryan, I didn't mean it like that." Carson said.

"Yeah...you did. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone that you've been tainted by the pile of garbage that is Ryan Hudson." Ryan said, getting out of bed and getting dressed.

When he leaves Carson's bedroom, he slams the door shut behind him.

"D*mn it, I should've phrased that better." Carson sighed, exasperatedly.

Carson now felt bad for unintentionally hurting Ryan's feelings. What he had meant was that he didn't want anyone knowing he had sex with a guy, he didn't want anyone knowing he was bisexual. The only person who knew that about him was Kate.

"I need a shower." Carson said going into his bathroom.

While in the shower, the memories of last night came flooding back. After coming home drunk from the bar, Ryan had drunkenly confessed his feelings for Carson and then kissed him. Carson had reciprocated the kiss and one thing led to another and they ended up having...admittedly very good...sex.

"Oh god, what am I gonna do?" Carson groaned when he realized that he now had feelings for Ryan.

By the time Carson had finished showering, gotten dressed, and came downstairs, Ryan had already left for the community center. He knew that he wouldn't be able to focus on his work if he didn't try to fix things with Ryan. Carson hated himself for hurting Ryan that way.

"Please be at the community center." Carson pleaded to himself.

When Carson gets to the community center, he sees Ryan at one of the tables helping a kid with their art project.

"Ryan, thank goodness you're here, I need to talk to you." Carson said walking over to the table Ryan was at.

"There's nothing for us to talk about. Go away, I'm busy." Ryan muttered.

"Come on, Ryan, please talk to me. I want to apologize for what I said this morning." Carson begged.

"You're the one who insisted that we pretend nothing ever happened and that we shouldn't talk about it." Ryan snapped.

"Ummm...do you guys need some privacy?" the kid who Ryan was helping asked awkwardly.

"Yes!/No!" Carson and Ryan said at the same time.

"Okay...I'm just gonna...finish the rest of this on my own. Good luck with whatever all this is about." the kid said gathering up their art project and going over to another table.

Now that they're alone, Carson reaches for Ryan's hand, but he snatches it away.

"Look, Ryan, I remember now what happened last night. The things you said, the things we did, and the way those things made me feel....and I think you remember it now too." Carson said, clasping his hands together on top of the table.

"Yeah, I do remember...which makes what you said hurt so much more." Ryan replied, choking up a little.

"I know, and I'm so sorry for that. I'm not ashamed of you, Ryan, I just don't want anyone knowing I'm bi." Carson sighed.

"Why? It's the twenty-first century, nobody cares about that sh*t anymore." Ryan said.

"My parents weren't exactly supportive of this topic, so excuse me for being afraid of coming out." Carson replied, annoyed.

"Well, Everett's not exactly the type to wave around a rainbow flag. He nearly beat me to death when he caught me making out with a college buddy of mine, and then made him "disappear". And of course, you know him, he covered it up with some stupid story about me getting into a bar fight. So, don't sit there and act like I don't know how difficult it is to be a bi guy." Ryan bit out, angrily.

Carson wasn't sure how to respond to that...then again, maybe that was Ryan's intention. Just when he thought he couldn't hate Ryan's father even more, he was proven wrong.

"I'm sorry that happened to you." Carson said, reaching across the table and placing his hand on Ryan's forearm.

"Ever since that happened, I've been afraid to be myself. But, Carson, I don't want to be afraid anymore. Aren't you tired of being afraid?" Ryan sniffled, eyes filling with tears.

"....yeah...I am." Carson mumbled.

Then he suddenly leans across the table and kisses Ryan. All the kids went "ooooh!" and giggled, Nick's jaw dropped, and Bess lets out a surprised squeak. Turns out their drunken mistake wasn't all that much of a mistake anymore.

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