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"Did you really think by rallying a bunch of people you would be able to take me down?" John asked with a smirk on his face.

After she didn't respond he grabbed her by her scalp and screamed at her. "Answer me!"

"Have you seen yourself!? You're always looking for a reason to hurt people. You're a tyrant and a hypocrite! You deserve none of the power you have now!" She said with tears forming in her eyes.

"I wish I never met you! I should have never helped you!" She said as her voice cracked at the end as tears started to fall down her face.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" John yelled at Claire one last time raising his hand to punch her before she said the killing blow to John.


3 Months Later

John had just got back from readjustment facility or what he likes to call it "hell".

After what he went through with he-who-must-not-be-named, he became very depressed and didn't do much. He would just stay in his room all day and only leave (which was only once or twice a day) to go shower or eat, and even then, John would bring his food into his room to eat.

William got worried about his sons behavior and became worried about what he went through at the readjustment facility considering it has been weeks since John has done much if anything. He decided to write a book and gave it to his son to maybe help him go through this rough time in his life. It was called "unOrdinary".

William knocked on Johns door and after 5 seconds he opened up to see John just laying down on his bed facing the wall to avoid looking at his Dad. "Hey John, I just got a copy back from my editor. Its a book I've been working on. Read it whenever you get a chance son." And with that he left Johns room to go and make dinner.

John got up from his bed a couple minutes later and saw the book his father was talking about. He picked it up and read the title. 'unOrdinary' He opens up book and cringes at the first thing he reads. 'Dedicated to my son. How embarrassing.'

John spent all day reading it basically pulling himself into a trance. After he finishes reading it he begins to think about it. 'A world full of cripples with just one person who uses his ability for good.' He begins to ponder about what his dad was trying to tell him. After a bit of thinking he comes up with the message, use your powers for good things not petty things. 'Dad, I can't be someone like that though.'

He flinches as he remembers Claire's last word to him before he knocked her out. "Monster." John decided to come out of his room to go and eat dinner with his father.

"Hey Dad, what's for dinner?" I ask him as I rub my eyes to cure my drowsiness. He flinches as he hears me talk but responds happily as always. "I'm making pasta with chicken."

As they were eating in peace John ask, "Hey Dad what made you want to write that book?" William is happy to have a conversation with his son after a long time, so he takes no time in responding after he gulps water to help the food go down easier. "Well son, when you're born a cripple life is always unfair and I wondered what life would be like if everyone was born a cripple you know?"

John thinks for a second before saying, "Yea that makes sense, I did have first hand experience dealing with that for most of my life. But why did you dedicate the book to me?"

William seemed to think about it for a moment so he can say the right words to John. He then said something that helped John in ways he thought it never would. "Well son, you see that hero is meant to be you."

John instantly responds without even a second thought basically yelling. "Dad?! Me the hero?! Have you seen what I've done with my powers!? All I ever do is hurt people! I'm a tyrant, a hypocrite! A... monster." His voice cracked at the end as he said that.

William got up from his chair and looked him dead in the eyes. "Son, you are not a monster. You are just a human that makes mistakes, just like everyone else in this world."

John was on the edge of tears before hugging his dad. He cried into his shoulder. "I love you dad" John said into his Dads shoulder. "I love you too son."

John ask his dad how he will ever be able to be like the hero and use his powers for good. William told his son that his ability will forever be apart of him so he should get used to what he was gifted.

After having that heart-to-heart conversation he decided that he would better himself. He exercised everyday to keep himself in shape (gotta maintain that 8 pack), spent more time with his Dad, meditated to try to keep his composure, and even heightened his ability.

1 year, 4 Months later August 25th, XXXX

"Dad the letter came in from Wellston!" John said with enthusiasm and hope. Once John and William were seated on the couch he decided to open the letter (much more like ripping it open).

"Dear John Doe,

After careful consideration we have decided to accept you. You have passed your entry exam and have potential with your ability and level. I would like for you to be in Wellston by 8/30/XXXX for your first day of school. There are things we would like to discuss with you, so once you are on school grounds, come to my office.

Sincerely, Headmaster Vaughn."

After they both read it at lightning speed they were both so joyful. He looked at his Dad before saying something. "Thank you Dad. For everything. For not giving up on me." William looked at him in the eyes before hugging him. "I love you son. Always remember I'll be here for you always. Now lets start packing so we don't need to do it later!"

After John packed considering that he only had 5 days to get there he spent his last days in New Bostin with his father. John reminisced one last time before going to Wellston to turn over a new leaf.

His Dad had already set everything up house wise. It had furniture and was all tidy and set up for when he landed.

3 Days Later August 28th, XXXX

"Come on, you're gonna be late for your flight!" William had to drag John out of bed (literally) before he was late for his flight. They made it 10 minutes before the plane ascended. William gave John the basic speech that every parent says before they leave home to go somewhere far from home.

"Call me once a week blah blah blah. Make sure you bru-" John interrupted his Dad mid speech since he already knows what to do and what not to do. "Dad I know, I'll be fine I promise. I'll call you when I land, I promise."

And with that he embraced his Dad one last time before boarding the plane.

The intercom in the plane beeped before a female voice started talking. "This plane leaves to Wellston in approximately 5 minutes. Get comfortable and enjoy your fly." (never been on a plane have no idea what they actually say)

And with what John heard, he plugged in his ear buds, put on some music to tranquil himself and decided to sleep on the way to Wellston.

Hope you guys enjoyed this prologue (: This is my first time writing a fan fiction so just be nas to be. Any tips is always greatly appreciated!

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