03 ┃ 𝐯𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞

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You wake up to the sound of laughter and chatter seeping through the walls, a gentle reminder that you're not alone in the bustling household of Encanto. Blinking the sleep from your eyes, you sit up, feeling a refreshing sense of rejuvenation that had eluded you the day before.

Swinging your legs over the bed's edge, you rise, stretching each muscle in a satisfying morning ritual. Curiosity tugs at you, luring you towards the door as you wonder about the source of the lively commotion outside.

Opening the door, you're greeted by a corridor transformed into a vibrant gallery of life, its walls adorned with murals pulsating with the essence of Encanto. The hallway is alive with the Madrigals, each engaged in conversation, their laughter and chatter painting the air with warmth.

The sight is overwhelming, a stark contrast to the solitude you've known. Familiar faces from the night before mingle with those yet to be introduced, forming a tapestry of connections waiting to be woven.

With hesitant steps, you move closer, your heart fluttering with a mix of nerves and excitement. The crowd's attention shifts towards you, their collective gaze like a spotlight that amplifies your sudden shyness.

Just as you contemplate retreating, a figure with fiery red hair and eyes brimming with kindness steps forward, her smile a beacon of welcome.

"Hello there, sweetie," she says, her voice like a melody of warmth as she stoops to meet your gaze. "I'm Pepa, the heart of the storm and the second Madrigal sibling. We've all been eager to meet you." Her introduction is a gateway, and one by one, the members of the Madrigal family come forward, each bringing their own light to the morning's canvas.

Pepa's smile broadens as she straightens up, her presence a warm embrace in itself. Felix, her husband, wraps an arm around her waist, joining in the introduction. "Welcome to the family, mi amor," he beams, a phrase that feels like an embrace.

"And these are our children," Pepa announces, motioning towards Camilo and Dolores standing nearby.

Dolores, quiet yet observant, offers a shy smile, her sensitivity to sound a hidden depth you're yet to explore. "I'm glad you're here," she whispers, a gentle introduction to her world of silence and sound.

Camilo offers you a grin, his eyes twinkling with mischief, though he tries to maintain a semblance of politeness for his mother's sake. Despite his efforts, his playful nature shines through, making you chuckle at his antics.

"So, feeling better today?" he asks, his tone laced with a hint of genuine concern amidst the teasing.

You nod, a smile tugging at your lips despite your attempt to appear nonchalant. "Yes, much better, thank you for asking."

"Good," Camilo replies, straightening up with a nod of approval. "Because I can't be seen hanging around you if you've got cooties. My reputation as the charming and healthy Camilo Madrigal must remain untarnished," he declares, his chest puffed out in mock pride.

You can't help but let out a laugh at his dramatics, shaking your head at the absurdity of his statement. "I'll make sure to keep my cooties to myself then," you play along, rolling your eyes for good measure.

Felix playfully scolds his son, "Behave, Camilo," but the fondness in his voice is unmistakable. It's then that Julieta, alongside her husband Agustín, approaches with their children—Luisa, Isabela, and lastly, Mirabel.

Julieta, with hands that heal and a presence that soothes, offers you a smile that feels like home. "Welcome, dear. I hope you're feeling better today," she says, her concern genuine and comforting.

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