Finding Out (Part 1)

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Hello! TheWriterGuy077 here. Wow. I can't believe we're almost done already! I want to thank you for all the support, and I'm exited to announce that we might have another collab coming soon 👀

First Person: Chase

I only notice how exhausted I am after lunch, after we finally stop playing tag. I had a dream last night, that I denied being in love with Skye, and she ran away. I later found her and told her how I felt, and she felt the same. But then I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep, and now I'm exhausted. Marshall notices, and walks over to me. 

"You okay?" he asks. "Long night." I reply. He seems to understand. I wonder if he had a long night too. Marshall continues. "There is also another thing that I want to talk to you about." He says, a little too nervously. I'm hesitant. "Okay?" I feel my heart skip a beat, and I start to get nervous. is he going to ask about Skye?

"I need you to promise to me that you won't lie no matter what." I felt like I could trust Marshall, so I said. "I promise." He says it quickly, and it hits hard. I did not expect this.

"Do you like Skye?" He asks. I think that there is still a way out of this, so I try. "No." I reply honestly. Marshall raises his eyebrow. "Do her?" Dang it. Now there's no way out of it. I promised him I would tell the truth. I regret that decision deeply. "Y-yes." I look down at the ground in defeat. I think of something, and I shoot my look right back up at him. "Do not tell her."

But he was gone.

First Person (Skye)

I see Marshall coming, and I think I know what he wants. "I'm telling him tonight, leave me alone," I lie. Marshall seems really exited about something. I wonder what it is. "Promise?" He asks me. DANG IT. What do I do now? "Promise." It slipped, It slipped, It slipped!!! I did not mean to say that!

Marshall winks at me. "You won't regret it." He runs off, probably to find Chase again.

First Person (Chase)

Just as I was about to have a panic attack, Marshall comes back at me. He seems exited, and I know why. "You didn't..." I start. I want to slap him, but I know that would be dumb. "I didn't. Don't worry. I almost did though." He said, noticing my worry mixed with anger. I have a huge hole in my stomach, even though I had just eaten. That can't be a good sign. "I think I need to be alone for a while." I tell Marshall. I walk towards my pup house. Right before I enter, I notice Skye exiting her's. I give her a shy smile before entering my pup house, and shutting the door. I process what just happened. This can't be good.

Or can it?

First person (Skye)

The rest of the day went by in a blur. Nothing really interesting happens, other than me dreading the night. But it comes. It comes fast. And Chase is watching the sunset alone. I sigh, hoping that my stomach won't explode. I take steps towards Chase, but I chicken out and take a couple steps back.

This is it. There's no turning back now.

I take a deep breath, and walk towards Chase, hoping my dreams won't be crushed.

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