Visit to Doctor

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Hope you have already read the first part
if not then go read that first to understand this part

Part 2 - Continued -
So that day we bought just a few black and gray panties for my son Jimmy (as you must remember that he does not know that these were girls' panties. he thought it was boys undies)
I sat down to book an appointment with a doctor. Jimmy's regular doctor is a great doctor but he is an old man and I thought that it would be more comfortable if we go see some more understanding female doctor. Whom I can explain the situation and explain why my son is wearing panties.

We went to my regular doctor. She is a bit older than me and super talented doctor and we know her since so long so all of us are well familiar and comfortable. Jimmy was wearing a jeans, a hoodie and black panties underneath.

I explained the situation to the doctor and told her that jimmy's butt started to grow in size and that it has grown so much that he face problem fitting in his boy's underwear and still sometimes he is uncomfortable.

And I told her that Jimmy doesn't know what he is wearing are women's panties.
The doctor understood it all and after she examined (took measurements) and after some tests she told us that its because of sudden hormonal changes due to puberty and told us that its because of imbalance of Oestrogen increase in his pelvic region. Its nothing to worry about she said. But there is no normal cure for this she said. It might go back to normal by its own and said that we should not interfere by giving any medicine or doing surgery.

 It might go back to normal by its own and said that we should not interfere by giving any medicine or doing surgery

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When I told her that he suffers from pain due to sudden growing of his butt and asked for some solution. I secretly asked her about panties but she was very chill with it and said that its best that he is wearing panties. And told me that if he wears normal boy panties and jeans, then it will even increase the swelling because pressing the butt constantly. Because of straight shape of boy's clothes. She said that even the jeans he is wearing right now will pressurize the butt and the swelling will increase even more so its bad for him.  I was shocked and worried what we will do now. Doctor told me that we should tell Jimmy about it all and explain him the actual situation. I was scared but agreed. Then the doctor explained everything to Jimmy and even told him that for his own well being and comfort he will have to wear panties and other comfortable clothes made in "big butt shape" from now on such as women's jeans and other stuff.

Jimmy was so shocked as expected. He refused immediately but the doctor explained him everything calmly and I also tried to explain him everything. He was refusing and saying that he wont like to wear girl's clothes and at that time the doctor told him that the undies he is wearing right now are also girl's panties. He was shocked and now couldn't do anything because he already told us that he loves his new comfortable undies(panties). He now slowly tried to listen and understand the situation. I promised him that he can wear panties and no one will know. He started to listen and agree to us slowly. The doctor also supported me and said that in order to get back to normal quickly, he should wear women's panties and such clothes more and more so that boy's clothes doesn't put pressure on his butt and make the swelling worst. He finally agreed and said "just because of the medical requirements I would do as doctor says and wear whatever is needed"

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We all took a relief that he agreed to cooperate. The doctor smiled and said that "You have a nice ass just like your mother, there is nothing to be ashamed Jimmy" 

She told us to do regular visits at her clinic. She seemed excited to know that Jimmy will be wearing panties and other women's clothes. I told Jimmy to say thanks and we left.

A month passed and I got used to seeing his bigger than a normal boy's ass. And even got familiar with the panties other than mine in the laundry. The thought crossed my mind many times that we both mom and son are wearing panties these days. But I kept the thought out of my mind and told myself that it is all temporary. Once his swelling is gone then I could buy him boys underwears again. My innocent child will not have to wear panties once its all over. Wearing panties was really helping and we needed more of such panties and other comfortable clothes. I told Jimmy that we will go for the less girly ones and told him not to worry about it. No one else will know other than both of us and the doctor and Katie the shopkeeper.

I sighed because Katie was also a pain, she was also really excited and happy to see my boy in women's panties. But we had no other choice, instead of going to a new shop we thought its better to go to the same shop where katie who already knows our secret can help us.

After all this time wearing panties underneath his male clothes he has also become quite familiar with the fact that he is wearing girl's panties and I think he will he understands it now that its all necessary. Since we bought just a few panties the last time and that we will need more such comfortable clothes for Jim, we decided to go for some more shopping.

Read about the shopping experience and further story in the next part.

Undies for my son's growing buttWhere stories live. Discover now