Chapter 12: New skin

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"Where did you go last night?"

Stan wakes up with the biggest grin on his face. He rolls onto his back and stretches out his arms and legs. But his peace is soon disturbed by his door opening wide and Nathan dive bombing onto the bed. 

"What the hell Nat!" Stan feels like the air has been jolted out of him. 

"Where did you go last night?"

Stan sits up slightly pushing Nathan off of him, who falls on the floor with a thud. "That's my business." He replies but he can't help the tiny smile wanting to etch itself on his face. He hoists himself out of bed and heads to the bathroom. As Stan grabs his toothbrush, he looks at himself in the mirror and smiles. He felt so happy right now. Kai is beautiful and in his life and nothing could change that. 


Earlier on that morning...

Kai's alarm went off at 8. Not a welcome sound. He lays back on the bed rubbing his tired eyes. They felt extra sleepy this morning as what felt like grainy sleepy dust was covering his fingertips. He looks down at his hands to see they are covered in dry skin, flaking and falling, leaving a silver pearlescent covering in its place. 

Kai now sits up and whips back his blankets. His body was covered in dry dead skin, wanting to peel. It was like he was shedding his skin. He jumps out of bed and heads straight for the shower, feeling the urge to have water over him. He quickly lets it warm before he steps inside. Kai watches as his skin seems to peel like tissue paper, fall and disappear down the drain. The water falling from him is going black and Kai can see black drips falling over his shoulders. 

Kai looks down at his own body which looks foreign to him. He is scared. He doesn't understand what is happening to him. He exits the shower and looks in the mirror. His skin is no longer the colour of flesh. It's a silvery blue. Almost like scales and his hair...a flame orange, making his eyes evermore aqua.

Kai touches his face, runs his fingers through his hair. He was in no pain, but he was scared.

What the hell is happening to me?

Kai heads back to his bedroom and grabs his phone from the side. He can't go to work, not like this. He makes the call, concocting an excuse about an upset stomach before calling the one and only person that this may make any sense to...Stan 

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