Chapter One: Alone

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DISCLAIMER: Okay, this story is going to be written in 3rd person. Just throwing that out there :)

Sam Winchester laid in his bed thinking. The thoughts were rushing over him like title waves, and tonight he was drowning. He always wondered what it was like to be alone, to have nobody. Of course, he never thought his vision would become his own sick reality, but sure enough it did.
His brother was killed, and that was already torture enough, but then he was reincarnated as a demon. Sam knew he could save Dean, but as his brother said, he loves the disease. After Dean tried killing Sam, he couldn't handle the pain anymore, so he let his brother go. It was the hardest thing he has ever had to do, but he knew it had to be done.
Cas wasn't answering his cell phone, his GPS was turned off and he was off the angel radar, so there was no way to track him. Sam had lost everyone he had ever loved. He began thinking about all his dead friends and family. Jo and Ellen, Jess and Bobby. Then a name flashed in his mind that made him smile.
He hasn't seen the Archangel in a long time, but he longed for him. Sam has always like Gabe, even though he has killed Dean a million times and basically destroyed his trust with the Winchesters. Sam thought about the golden brown hair and the beautiful whiskey coloured eyes of Gabriel, but it only made him feel more alone.
Sam sat up in his bed and closed his eyes. "Gabe?" He broke the silence that had been in the room for too long. "Gabe, are you there? I know its been a while, but I just wanna talk to someone. I don't even know if your alive, but if you are, please listen. I-I really miss you man. And I really just want to see you." He paused for a second and opened one eye to see if the angel was in the room. "Please Gabe. I really want to see you. I need you." Sam felt tears running down his face and he stopped praying. 'What am I thinking? Gabriel's probably dead you stupid fucking idiot!' Sam thought to himself.
Sam wiped his tears and laid back down in bed and shut his eyes. He started drifting off when he heard a ruffle of feathers and a loud bang. He shot out of bed and looked around. Suddenly he saw what had made the noise. Standing there was Gabriel. His hair was a little longer than usual and he had some stubble on his chin. "G-Gabe?!" Sam said completely shocked. Gabe smiled.
"Hiya Sammy."

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