Chapter Two: Finally

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DISCLAIMER: Heeeey everyone! sorry I was experiancing some pretty strong writers block, but I will try my hardest to keep it going!

Sam lifted his frame off of the motel bed he had been grieving on and locked eyes with Gabriel.
'This can't be real.'
Sam thought to himself.
"Well I'm here aren't I?"
Gabriel said out loud, reading Sam's thoughts. The angel slowly made his way over to Sam, extending him arm. He sat down on the bed beside the younger Winchester and graised his fingers on his tear stained cheek.
A small smile tugged at the corners of Sam's mouth as he closed his eyes and leaned into Gabe's hand.
"Do you have any idea how much I have missed you?"
Gabriel barely whispered as Sam pulled him into a tight hug. Gabe shut his eyes as he listened to the now steady rhythm of Sam's heart beating. He wrapped his arms around the taller mans waist and pulled him closer.
A sob escaped Sam's throat.
"I thought you were d-dead."
Gabriel could practically feel his heart wrench as he realised Sam and took his hand, climbing into the bed.
Gabe snuggled himself into Sam, his head resting on his chest and arm extended across his stomach. No words were exchanged between them, they just laid there in silence.
After what seemed like hours, Gabriel finally spoke up.
"I heard your prayers. Everyone last one of em."
Sam remained quiet as Gave kept talking.
"After you let Dean off the chain, after everyone was gone, I was terrified. I was so scared that you were going to be alone forever. I wanted to come see you so badly, hold you close and tell you everything would be okay and that I would protect you, but I knew I-"
"Where were you?" Sam interrupted. Gabriel chewed his bottom lip.
"That's not important." Gabriel said in a soft voice, turning and facing Sam. "What is important is that I'm here now and nothing, and I mean nothing, no demons, no angels, not anything is going to hurt you anymore. Not under my watch."
Gabriel smiled as he lifted his head and kissed Sam on the cheek.
Sam could feel his face start to imediantly heat up, giggling like a school girl. Gabriel grinned and sat up again. This time, he tilted Sam's chin and placed his soft lips right on Sam's. They both closed their eyes as they melted into the kiss that they both had been waiting centuries for. It wasn't a hot kiss, more soothing and calm.
Sam's tongue ran over Gabe's bottom lip as the kiss ended. Gabriel snuggled closer to Sam's toned chest and smiled. They sat in a state of pure bliss for a minute or two, before Sam broke the silence.
"I think, I love you."
Gabriel laughed under his breath and gripped Sam's hand, intertwining their fingers.
"Here's the crazy thing," Gabriel continued, looked at their hands. "
"I think I love you too."

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