Catch Me

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He returned the smile. I couldn't wait to meet the people that saved my Jazz.

"Your emotions bout knocked me off ma feet darlin." He whispered.

"I was supposed to sweep you off your feet not knock you off them." I smiled at my smart ass comment.

"You got that backwards darlin, I'm supposed to sweep you off your feet. That is what happens to every princess right?" He laughed as I blushed.

"Well cowboy, I'm no princess." I replied.

"Yes you are, to me that is, and I plan on spoiling you like one." He whispered in my ear as he nipped at it.

"If you want me you gotta catch me" I whispered back, doing the same to him, and took off out his bedroom door.

I skid down a lavish hallway and down some hardwood stairs before bursting into another room. But this room wasn't empty. No, far from it. This room was the living room that all his family were currently residing in.

Every head turned in my direction as I burst through the door way. I froze, not knowing what to do.

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