𝔽amily is complicated

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Nicki was one of the first people to notice Percy's absence at dinner that night. She watched silently as Chiron carted a tearful Grover away from the pavilion as dinner finished. She had half a mind to follow them if it wasn't for Nico being glued to her side.

"Nicki?" The dark-haired girl glanced over her shoulder at her name. A nervous-looking Bianca stood behind her, picking at her fingers. "Can we talk? Before the quest, y'know?"

Nicki's entire body tensed. Nico's ears perked up. "What quest?"

"We can talk later."


"I have things to do first. This isn't a conversation for now or here." Nicki said, glancing at the surrounding table of prying eyes. "I'll come and get you later to talk, promise."

Bianca nodded awkwardly. "I'll probably be in my cabin."

Nicki swallowed, her jaw clenched.

Some part of her was glad she could stay and be with Nico. Another part of her couldn't help the bubble of anger, hearing Bianca talk about her own cabin. The cabin Bianca belonged to. She didn't even know her godly parent yet.

Nicki knew her mother was a minor god on Olympus, but she was a Titaness! If anyone deserved a cabin it was her.

Nicki gathered herself to her feet, pushing past Bianca as she stormed off. Bianca tried to call after her, but was whisked away by Zoë, yet again.

Nico hurried after her. The younger boy kept pace with Nicki, following blindly as Nicki manoeuvred herself around the camp.

Nicki began to slow as they reached the edge of the canoe lake.

The surrounding area was empty. In the winter, the hour after dinner was given as free time so no one would have to play volleyball in the cold, dark snow.

Nicki fell to the floor of the wooden dock. Her legs swung lazily over the edge of the planks.

Nico cuddled into the girl's side. "You know I love you, Neeks. I would do anything to keep you safe."

"I love you too, Nicki. You're like my fairy god-sister because you're magic."

Nicki forced out a laugh, ruffling his hair. "You like Travis and Connor, right?"

"Yeah! Travis showed me this really cool trick with feathers and honey. So you set up one bucket full of honey and the other full of feathers and the honey makes the feathers stick! Oh, and you throw it on a person by setting the buckets on a door and then they can't get them off. Because the honey is so sticky." Nico grinned up at Nicki, only causing tears to form in her deep green eyes.

"I have to go, Neeks." Nicki's voice cracked as she spoke. "Bianca's coming too."

"What? That's not fair! I want to go!" Nico pulled away from Nicki.

"You can't. You're too young for this, darling."

"No! You always said that my age doesn't mean I can't do things."

"I know," Nicki said. She ran a hand over her face in stress. "This is just different, Nico. I'm sorry."

"Why are you leaving me?"

"I don't want to, Neeks. It's just more complicated than that!"

"No! You're leaving me just like Bianca. I hate you!"

Nicki bit her lip, tears welling in her eyes. "I know you're upset, and that's okay. But we both know you don't mean that."

"I do!" Nico yelled, climbing to his feet. "I hate you! I hate you!" The ground holding the dock in place shook as Nico stomped his foot.

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