Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Spring 2010

She ducks her head to avoid even the possibility of catching his gaze as he passes her by.

After their meeting almost 2 years ago, Emery never expected to see him again. Then he popped up mid-way through Junior year saying he's transferring. It's been a year now since he started coming to the same high school as her. It had been a complete shock that Emery hadn't been prepared for. For a split second she'd been worried he's start integrating himself more into her life as well but after asking her out once, to which she said no, he'd stayed clear. It's not that he's avoiding her, more the other way around, but he sticks with the group of friends he's got. Those are the popular kids in their grade of course. When the members of the pack welcomed him in with open arms, the human kids also did. Then again, even without the pack members, he would have done fine. He's a nice, good looking guy and this is high school. He's at the top of the food chain and Emery is not even on it.


Well, it's almost over, she tells herself. The college admissions have come in and thank God, she has choices. Now she can ease up a little and relax. Or she could relax if she wasn't so aware of Dane Carter. Annoyingly it's not awareness of him in a bad way but more of an attraction. An attraction she can't shake off for the life of her. Even ignoring it these days is becoming harder and harder.


On Wednesday afternoons, Emery stays behind after school to do her volunteering. About an hour after the end of school, a small group of local kids with reading and other mental disabilities gather in the library of Emery's high school to get help with school work or to generally just read books of their interest. Emery found out about the programme in her Freshman year and hasn't looked back in joining every since. She admits it had started as something to put down for college but after spending week after week with them, it had grown into something more fulfilling. The only annoying part is that she has to wait an hour after the end of school. In her previous years the hour before end of school was filled with a class, now in her senior year it's a free period. So by the time school has ended, she's already done the homework she needs to for the day.

However this is a library so she happily resigns herself to reading in her favourite corner to pass the time. Her guilty pleasure genre is the regency-era romances, filled with sassy heroines wearing corsets and handsome royal heroes that come swooping in to challenge them. The erotic component of them aren't unwelcome either. Normally she'd save them for safe reading at home but since it is after school and she's in her quiet corner of the library, she risks it.

Bad decision.
Worst decision ever.

"What are you reading?"

The question is followed by action and unfortunately it's not from her. Before she can slam the book close and slide it away, it's yanked out from straight between her fingertips.
She can only watch in horror as Dane Carter, a guy, she has rarely seen even in the library, scans the words aloud.

" 'Naked as a babe, Abigail stood shyly in front of the Lord. He stared his fill, taking in the sight of her delicate breasts. No longer bound by the confines of the corset they slope gently to the stiff, raspberry peaks of her-'"

Oh thank Heavens, he cuts himself off from reading there. It's still damning and embarrassing but it could be a lot worse.

The relief Emery feels is temporary. He's still holding her book. Closed this time, graciously.
"Dane," she whispers.
Her words stuck in her throat as her brain buffers. This is also the first time they're speaking properly in a year, 2 years if you don't count her rejection to his date.
"This is an interesting book," he grins wickedly, "I'm going to borrow it. Maybe it'll help me understand you better. Some homework, I don't mind doing."

With a wink, Emery watches in horror as he slips it into his bag and walks away with it. Oh fuck her life.

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