"Oh, Cool

624 14 18

Axl's POV:
Holy Shit. It was Y/N. It's been so long. She still looks how she did then. Just us. 2 17 year old teenagers screwing around and pranking people.
I never realized how much I missed her until now. The jokes, the name calling.
It was her-
"Hey Ax, you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost."
"I'm fine Iz. Thanks. Now let's get this show on the road and go have some fun."
The rest of the band agreed with me and we started leaving the swarm of girls.
I just had one mission in my mind: I have to see Y/N and talk to her.

Y/N's POV:
I woke up to the sun in my eyes.
I cried for at least 2 hours last night and I drank an entire bottle of bourbon.....
God I'm a mess.

I didn't want to leave for work. William saw me enter my apartment. So he knows where I am.
I haven't seen him since he left at 17.
I cried for weeks. I tried asking around and no one knew.
Seeing him again just brought all the pushed down feelings back up again.

I got up and took a shower then got dressed and fixed my hair and makeup.

"I have no choice but to go to work, I need the money." I said to myself.

I grabbed my purse, my phone and my keys and left.
I just had to walk, work wasn't far.

Being a waitress at a small diner is nice. I have a few customers who are regulars and they like me very much.
I clocked into work and saw my friend.
"Hey Tony."
"Hey Y/N!"
"What has you so excited?"
"Look over there."
I turned my head to the corner of the diner and saw the infamous band.
"Oh, cool."
"Kinda sad I don't get to serve them though. Since I'm on back counter duty and your the one going around along with Andrea."
"What?" I asked shocked "I thought I had back counter today."
"Nah Francis changed it last minute. So have fun." Tony went back to serving customers on the stools.

Fuck. Oh well, better now than never.
I walked over to the table and put on a fake smile.

"Hi, I'm Y/N. Anything I can get for you boys today?"
As soon as I spoke William's head shot up like a rocket.

"Uh, yes hi. I'm Izzy, that's Slash" he pointed to the curly man "and those 2 are Duff and Steven. Axl is the only misfit."
I laughed a bit and was slightly confused by the name but ignored it and William or Axl threw grape jam at Izzy. In which Izzy just laughed.
Slash looked like he was in his own little world and Steven looked to be in a deep conversation with Duff.

"Well nice to put some names with the faces. Do you all know what you want or do you need a minute?"

Will and me made eye contact. He took the opportunity to talk to me.
"Do you remember me?"
"Straight to the chase huh Will?" I emphasized the sarcasm in my voice.
"Y/N listen I'm sorry I-"
"I'm working, sorry. I can't talk about this right now."
Izzy cut in "Do you both know each other."
I could see that Steven, Duff and Slash were all interested now.
"Yeah, William Or "Axl" and me were good friends in high school until he disappeared or moved."
"Ah" Izzy then said "May I have the Omelet with toast?"
"Yes you may."

"I'll just take a coffee and a plate of bacon"
"Really slash that's all you want?"
Yeah, I'm not that hungry Duff."

Duff ordered Scrambled eggs with hash browns and toast with coffee and Steven ordered pancakes with whipped cream and sprinkles and a chocolate milk. Which I thought was adorable because it fit his fun personality.
Axl just ordered a coffee with Eggs and toast.
He ended up telling me he went by Axl now so that's new.

"Coming right up boys."
I turned around and gave Tony my order for them.

I looked over to see Slash, Axl and Izzy in one conversation and Steven and Duff still in theirs from earlier.

Axl looked at me again and gave me a sorry look. I turned away when Tony called my name.

This is going to be a long shift.

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