Chapter 10

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30th November 2027

Dear Mitch,

I haven't written anything to you in a while. I lost this because I buried it too well, so I had to do some digging.

Louise is pregnant again, and this time, it's by design, as much as it hurt me when I thought of you.

She wanted another child, and so did I. Taylor would be an amazing sister to him or her, would she not? She'll be six, but she has more of a grasp on things than some adults do. Mostly. Kinda. Not really. A bit like me.

Louise tells me it's gonna be a girl, and I think so too.


Udderly. 100%. Okay I'll stop milking it. It makes me sound like a cow. Argh, this is so cheesy ;)

I know this just makes it harder in case I ever want to leave, but I don't think I ever will. Not because I won't leave my pregnant wife, but because I made the choice to stay a long time ago. I chose to stay, even though leaving was a fairer and smarter option. I didn't have to risk everyone being hurt.

My heart is torn, Mitch. What do I do? There are nights where I almost cry myself to sleep (silently, of course), missing you, your touch, your voice, your laugh. You aren't coming back, I know that for sure. You haven't turned up since that night years ago.

Was that your final goodbye?

I ruined our friendship, I know I did. It's all my fault. I ruined it, and I can't even save it. I don't have the guts to save it. Fans may call me brave, but all I feel is weak. Bravery doesn't come from fighting the issue, it comes from the tough choices the aftermath brings. You can always be brave, but to stay brave? That's the hardest thing. You give it all you've got, but is it enough?

You know, I still think it's amazing that Jennifer Lawrence played Minecraft with you. How you managed that, I don't think I can even fathom it, but you got it to happen years ago (2018?) and got her to play a Hunger Games with you. I still cringe at that though, so much. You little adorable suckup.

"Oh Jen! Good kill!"

"Thanks Mitc- you're getting killed."

"Uh... not... if... I... have... something... to say... about it..."

My favourite part from the episode. It was amazing, really, it was. I kept laughing at you and her, especially after I'd poisoned you and her. You guys should marry and have babies.

I'm going through the paternal hormones stage, okay? Everyone should have babies. Let's have babies. Just kidding, it's still impossible.

Okay Mitch, I'll try not to lose this book now, because I'd like to punch a hole in the wall if I do.

Love, Jerome

My little sister, not a child of circumstance but rather one of 'design'. Reading that, I couldn't help but think of her like a designer-label baby, as an accessory. A lab where every aspect of her genetic code is analysed, taken apart and altered to ensure she is perfect. It's a twisted view, but you can't really get much else out of the word 'design' when it's used in this context.

Of course, working with this, it wasn't too hard what to assume the next post was about.

9th July 2028

Dear Mitch,


Meet little Caitlyn. Louise chose the first name again, but I got middle name rights because I'm amazing. Of course, I can't use Michelle again, so I used Jessica.

Yeah... bad choice when I think about it. Did I really name my daughter after your ex-girlfriend?

I'm cringing at myself, save me.

Either way, Caitlyn Jessica Aceti is now alive. She's healthy, breathing well and farted within hours of birth. Louise says she gets it from me. I personally agree, but don't tell Louise I said that!

Two little Bacca babies in my family, with my lovely Bacca wife, and you still don't have a girlfriend. Do you know how bad this makes me feel? The guilt of losing you gets to me most days, but to think you still haven't moved on... it makes me feel good and bad at the same time. Good, because I'm just so amazing. Bad, because I'm holding you back. I don't know how I'd feel if you did marry, but it'd probably be not as bad as the feeling I get of you not marrying. I don't think this is rational anymore. I don't know what's going on in my head when I think of you.

Do I want to get over you? Part of me is thinking I like to be in love with you, but I don't. It hurts me so much, and it's affecting those around me.

Love, Jerome

A knock on my door came, and it jolted me out of my daydream. "Yes?" I yelled in surprise as I chucked the book under my bed. I walked to the door and found Preston on the other side, smiling. "Hey, I have some shaving cream, wanna smack cam your dad?" He asked quietly, and I nodded. "Leggo!" I said quietly, and he handed me a paper plate filled with cream. "I have one too."

"You knew I'd want to smack cam?"

"Everyone wants to smack cam. Human nature." Preston replied, and I grinned. "Where is Dad?"

"In the garden, sitting in a chair, listening to Leona Lewis even after I offered to play some teen Justin Bieber, his old time favourite." Preston noted, and I laughed. "We all know he secretly loves it, just won't admit it." We slowly backed out the door and went through the back, ending up right behind Dad. Preston motioned to me, and I tiptoed my way over, the sun facing us.

"Without something that'd remind me... yeah..."

The lyric came on, and I paused. Better in Time. Preston pointed at Dad, before we snuck up together and whipped the plates into Dad's face.

The first thing I realised was that Dad's eyes had been closed, and he cursed a little as he wiped the cream off his face. "You guys..." He groaned, as Preston and I ran away laughing. "Gosh... that was brilliant! You know, this reminds me of the time Jero- I mean your dad got hit by Mitch in the face during a livestream. Cream went all over the place! On the keypad, Jerome's snapback, the floor... Mitch started complaining about how sticky it got afterwards!"

"I don't even..." I shook my head, and closed the door as Preston walked back in. "You know, I haven't seen Mitch and your dad together in ages. I wonder what happened."

"Who knows?" I replied, and Preston shrugged. "What can you tell me about Mitch?"

"He's around your dad's height. Hasn't had a girlfriend since his old one, Jessica. No one knows why he's never dated. Too busy, I guess."

"How about you?" I asked, and Preston paused. "I could never seem to find the right person. They were already taken." Preston looked at a family picture sadly. "When you find love, take the chance. Trust me, it hurts more if you don't."

Dear Mitch (Merome)Where stories live. Discover now