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A/N: hi guys. this is my new fic whooo. i actually do hope you guys would read it. the prologue is written in third person, but chapter 1 onwards will be in first person. so yea, please give it a try? thank you :) G .x


Whoever She Is // The Maine

When I Come Around // Green Day


Allona groaned wearily as she pushed herself up for the second time this day. The back of her white dress was now covered with dirt and grass, which she immediately brushed off with a frown on her face. And I thought my life couldn't get any more worse, she thought.

She wasn't really as clumsy as this. In fact, she'd been in this forest for quite a number of times and she knows the paths and routes like the back of her hand, even those pathways that were obscured by plants and trees. She definitely wasn't what you would call a 'klutz', except for this day. Excluding the mere fact that she was donned in a ridiculously long white dress, she had just gotten out of the hospital a week ago because of pneumonia.

Now standing upright with lesser filth on her dress, she started walking woozily, at the same time trying to be careful not to get her dress get caught by branches again. She never thought she'd hate wearing this any more than before.

Right after she finally stepped out of the evergreen forest, her phone started vibrating. She reached into her shirt and took her phone out of her bra, the only place she could put it since dresses doesn't have any pockets and bringing a purse was definitely not a choice.

She looked at the caller ID and realized it was Jodie.

"Allo, where are you now? Did you managed to ditch?" Jodie questioned immediately after she answered the call.

Allona rolled her eyes, "Hello to you too. And I just did, I'm standing right here outside the forest in a filthy long, white wedding dress while y'all party your asses out."

She huffed, "I told you, I'm sorry I couldn't help you, you know how-"

"Important that party is, yeah yeah. I don't know how the hell I'm gonna get there in this state," Allona mumbled, rolling her eyes once more even though Jodie couldn't see. This was actually Jodie's idea, for Allona to ditch her own wedding, but obviously Jodie didn't bother to help do it.

"Oh don't you worry your ass, Allo. I called to tell you that I sent one of my new pals to pick you up. Stay right there, he's on his way," Jodie reassured and Allona sighed in relief. She's exhausted and wouldn't wanna walk all the way to Jodie's in a wedding dress.

Allona walked over to a tree and leant against it. Right in front of her was a road, and opposite is another forest. Looking up, she realized that the sky was getting depressingly dark and the wind was getting chilly. Looks like it's gonna rain on my supposed wedding, she thought bitterly.

In a curious tone, she responded, "Who is he?"

"Harry. You'll know who he is once you see him because he's one hot motherfucker," she replied and Allona could sense a smirk forming on Jodie's face.

Allona raised her brow, "Oh really now? I swear if he looks like Naughty Boy--"

Jodie cut Allona off with a laugh, "See for yourself then." Allona chuckled as she ended the call.

Right at that moment, Allona heard a vehicle screeching to a halt a few steps away from her. She turned around, and immediately, an undeniably gorgeous man peeked out of the window, his eyes meeting hers. She blinked, the man still staring at her impassively. She couldn't deny the fact that he was literally beautiful, his dark green eyes seem to scintillate even in the grey sky. A blue beanie covered his head, chestnut brown curls spilling out of it. His lips taut, his jawline sharp. He was donned in just a simple white tank, but Allona thought that he looked perfect still.

"Allona?" His fucking accent. The way my name rolls off his tongue is fucking sexy, she thought. I'd never thought I'd like the sound of my name until now.

Allona jumped, clearly snapped back to the present. She blushed ferociously, realizing that she had been staring at him for more than ten seconds. It's his fault, why is he so gorgeous?

"How did you know my name?" she stammered, still very much in awe. She suddenly felt self conscious as she ran her fingers through her messy hair. She definitely hasn't felt like this toward anyone before.

The gorgeous man chuckled, "I'm Harry. Well, Jodie described Allona as a tall brunette wearing a wedding dress in the middle of the forest. What are the chances that there will be two tall brunettes wearing a wedding dress in the forest?"

Oh. She forgot about that. Of course it's Harry, he's hot, just like what Jodie said. Allona thought. She tried to compose herself, thinking that this was pathetic of her to act.

"Right. Harry."

"Well, are we just gonna stand here and think about how hot each other is? Get in," he smirked, a deep dimple appearing on his left cheek. His finger pointed to the opposite door of the car, intruscting her to get in.

Allona rolled her eyes, trying to cover the blush creeping on her cheeks. She shuffled to the other side of the car and got in. Harry started the engine, and started to focus on driving. Glimpsing at Harry, she questioned, "Where and when did you and Jodie met?"

"We aren't together, love," he stated, his eyes never leaving the road.

Allona rolled her eyes for what seems like the thousandth time this day, "I didn't mean relationship-based."

"Our parents have actually known each other for years, just that Jodie and I just met last night at a family dinner," he answered.

"Last night? And she already trusted you to pick me up?"

He turned to me, "We just met five minutes ago, and you're already trusting me to pick you up?"

"Touché," Allona nodded. She's just protective of Jodie, that girl almost got herself killed last year because of some stupid guy she met over the internet. Allona still wasn't sure if Jodie has learnt her lesson, that's why she felt as if it's her responsibility to protect her especially when her parents did not give two fucks about her.

"Arranged marriage?" he suddenly asked, his dark green eyes meeting Allona's. His brows scrunched up, clearly curious. He turned his attention back to the road.

"Yeah," she said, playing with the hem of her dress. "I wouldn't be ditching my own wedding if I do have feelings for the guy, right?"

"Touché," he nodded, imitating Allona. "Let me guess, the lad's got lanky arms and legs, is bloody wealthy, overly obsessed with the idea of romance, and only talks about politics. I'm correct, aren't I?"

Allona laughed, "How stereotypical of you."

"Well, just tell me I'm correct," he raised his brow.

"You got that bloody wealthy correct. He's actually quite buff, he despised arranged marriage as much as I do, and yeah, he talks about politics but mostly science stuff," Allona went on.

Harry let out a laugh. "Close enough."

The two of them continued on talking about things. They didn't realized how well they got along already, even though they just met thirty minutes ago. Although they still have so, so much to learn about one another, and that they still had to earn each other's trusts, they were simply-secretly-happy that they met.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2015 ⏰

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