The Crappy Day

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Molly walked through the door on a Friday afternoon after school. However, she was not her normal, giddy self. She had a huge frown on her face. The best way to describe how she felt was, well, done. Completely, utterly, absolutely fed up and done with it all.

Her mom noticed this, and walked over.

"Hey Molly, you ok honey?"

Molly didn't give any notice, and walked up to her room.

Darryl came up.

"Hey Molly, I've got something really cool to show you, and-"






Molly climbed up to the artic, and slammed the door.

Scratch appeared

"Hiya Molly! how was-AHH!" One of  Molly's shoes flew over him.

Another shoe landed in his mouth. As soon as he spat it out, Molly's backpack slammed into him, flattening him on the floor.

He tossed the backpack off, and reformed himself, only to find Molly bawling into her pillow.

"Ooh boy. Hey Mol, you uh, good?"

All he heard was a muffled "leave me alone."

"Come on Molly, it's ok, you can tell me."

Molly slowly sat up and wiped her nose with her arm.

"S-Sorry for throwing my stuff at you Scratch. It's just, I had a pretty crappy day, that's all."

"Boy do I know about those. Tell me, what happened?"


It shows Molly in the school Cafe with Libby. They were eating pizza.

"Hey Libby, could you watch my food for me? I gotta use the restroom." asked Molly

"Sure thing Molly." said Libby

Molly had just finished doing her business, and closed the stall door. Then, she walked to the sink, and washed her hands.

That was when Andrea walked in.

"Oh hey Andrea!" Molly said

"Cut the crap McGee!" Andrea pushed Molly into the tile wall hard, and held her there.

"Ow! What was that for Andrea?!"

"Don't think I don't remember our first encounter Molly. You pronouncing my name wrong was a BIG mistake! I've got a reputation to keep. You made me look stupid in front of the whole class, and no one, I mean NO ONE makes me look stupid, understand?"

"Y-Yes, Andrea. But I didn't mean to, really. I didn't know."

"Didn't know? Huh, I thought you Asians knew everything."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Molly asked agitated

"Whatever I want it to mean! You should be LAST person to lecture me about political correctness."

"You know what? I'm leaving!" Molly insisted

Andrea thrusted her fist into Molly's stomach, causing her to instantly fall to the floor, wheezing and gasping for air.

Andrea forcibly picked her up by her ponytail, standing her up, while also grabbing Molly's wrist and digging her nails into it. Molly tried to hold back hot tears.

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