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  "YOU SEEM TO be the only one who has returned with anything," Aleks remarked. They walked side by side down the street, completely unimportant and invisible to anyone else. Danna wore the ring she'd brought from Sai, the one she'd been pretending was a wedding band.

  "No one knows anything, then?" she asked softly, one hand lifting the basket.

  "Absolutely nothing."

  "We're on our own, then."

  "One person did mention that Mullen recently completely changed his staff team."

  Danna froze for a moment, and he noticed, raising a brow. She replied quickly, "That explains why one of my agents managed to get in without issue. She did report that she joined with another group of servants, but I didn't realise he changed everyone." Another one of Constanza's faults. The girl was truly quite horrid at being detailed.

  "You have an agent in his household?"

  "One. She hasn't figured out much yet. Give her some time."

  "We don't have that much time. Is she a skilled fighter?"

  Danna shook her head regrettably. "She's one of the locals who offered her service. Barely passed self-defence."

  He cursed under his breath. "Damn, then."

Danna said, "I'm going to set two of my agents on the house on permanent scouting and guarding. Two of my best."

  Aleks nodded. "We'll focus on the hunting. Can you get your mole to hand us a copy or two of Mallen's usual schedule, so we'd know when the Black Camellia might strike?"

  Danna pursed her lips. Constanza could probably achieve that, but she wasn't completely certain. "I'll try," she promised with a steady nod. She rarely allowed herself to show uncertainty. Even when she didn't know what she was doing, she had to act like she did. The people must have faith in the leader, and how could they do that when the leader was just as confused as they were?

  Aleks didn't buy it. "If she can't do it, we'll have to track Mallen first. Otherwise, we have no trail for the Camellia."

  Danna nodded. "How long do you think...?"

  He didn't need her to finish the sentence. "She won't drag it out for too long. Not with the treaty so close to being done. It will be within the month."

  "That's still a while," she remarked.

  "Reaching Mallen isn't the issue," he murmured, "it's making it seem like an accident. That would be difficult for her. We capitalise on that."

  "It means it'll take extra planning," Danna said. "More chances for her to reveal herself."

  He said, "We might not have the schedule yet, but I'm sure on one place Leocadio would be at tomorrow."

  She was unimpressed with his observation. "The Meliquean Council meets at nine in the morning. Unless Mallen is an idiot, he'll be there."

  "Which we both know he is not," Aleks said pleasantly. "But the Camellia won't strike there, it's far too public and well-guarded."

  Not even they would be able to easily get in. Which was why they had no plan to. They'll stay outside, where plenty of people would be, trying to catch an eye or earful of what was happening inside. The room where it happened. The room most of the population was shut away from. The fate of millions was discussed behind closed doors by people who rarely had any idea what the population wanted or thought.

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por karlie nyx
The deadliest assassin in the world has just been spotted in the city...
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