Method 1- Raven Method

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The Raven Method is the most commonly used method, especially for beginners. Look at the end of the last chapter for the guided meditation I used

1. Get into a comfy position, it is recommended to be in a star shape without limbs touching but that is optional

2. Focus on your breathing. In for 4, hold for 3, out for 4. If you are uncomfortable move now as its not recommended to move while counting

3. Start counting from 1-100 slowly while saying affirmations in between each number

4. While counting, if possible, visualise your DR self. When you arrive are you awake or asleep? What are you wearing? Where are you?

5. As you get closer to 100 slowly relax more and more, eventually falling asleep and waking up in your DR


If you have any questions leave them here

-Jordan x

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