At the end it always the first one

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🌃 night dec 31

Junkyu call Haruto

Beep  beep

Haruto  : hello

Junkyu :  Rutoyaa, Can we meet  and count down new year  together  at  our house roof top

Haruto : mmm  .... I'll be there after 10 minutes

Junkyu  : ok...

At the roof top

Junkyu  by back hug Haruto  :  Rutoyaa sorry  if i make you angry last time, Rutoyaa....You  know that i love you Right, no matter you still cannot  forget  your love Jihoonaaa,
I can bear it and always  there for you until it reach my limit i love you Ruto

Haruto turn around and kissed  Junkyu and said :  Junkyuaa i love.   you,  and thank you for your trying

Junkyu and Haruto : 1....2....3 Happy  New Year dear

Time past Junkyu and Haruto  spend there  time alot  , Haruto  used to recall his memories with jihoon, when he recall his memories with jihoon and think of jihoon smile ,he was full of heart ache,  but Junkyu  never get angry to Haruto  and still take care him,  Sometimes when Haruto recall his memories with Jihoon,  Junkyu  feel so sad and secretly  used to cry at bathroom

Summer Times

Haruto, Junkyu and Jeongwoo went to a Beach

While they are summing Haruto suddenly saw Junkyu smile as Jihoon smile  ,he kneel down and cry so hard

Junkyu by holding  Haruto: Rutoyaa what is it?  Did you suddenly recall Jihoon?

Haruto by  cry  so hard : Jihoonaaa  *sniff  sniff * Jihoonaa, Come  back,  if you come  back  i will do whatever you want,  Jihoonaa......... You Smile sound, your smiley face surround  me,  COME BACK sweetie!!!!

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