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Violet was getting ready and decided since Bellamy knew about her and Josephine and would soon tell the rest of his people, she could dress in the clothes she actually liked even tho she sort of liked the rusty look she had going on

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Violet was getting ready and decided since Bellamy knew about her and Josephine and would soon tell the rest of his people, she could dress in the clothes she actually liked even tho she sort of liked the rusty look she had going on. Violet walks in Russel's office area where he's with Bellamy discussing the compound situation.

"What about the mother and child? Will they agree?" Russel asks looking over at Bellamy who has a notepad in his hand. Violet clears her throat and looks around the room waiting for the meeting to be over. "I'll handle our people. How long will
it take to build?" Bellamy asks as Josephine crosses her arms over her chest and clears her throat trying to get Russel's attention. "Just a moment, sweetheart. With all of our people helping you, it will go much faster" Russel explains and Violet notices Bellamy staring intensely at Josephine so she takes a look at her as well and sees her tapping on her arm but she doesn't even know she's doing it.

Violet looks back over at Bellamy and notices him writing something down in his notepad. This is her time to speak up and say he knows something and it's possible Clarke could be alive in the mind space like Nova is. But she doesn't utter a word. Why? Violet doesn't know the answer herself.

Bellamy exits the room with his friend Miller who takes a look at the person who has taken over Clarke's body before he exits the room
himself. Violet suddenly feels blood trickle down her nose and she quickly wipes it away with her hand and looks over and sees the same thing happening to Josie. "You're both bleeding? Did something happen?" Russel asks looking to the two of them. "Nova's very well alive. She didn't die in the mind space" Violet confesses and Russel widens his eyes before looking back at Josie.

"Yep, she's still in my head but don't worry. I know how to kill her once and for all" Josephine declares and Violet can't help but feel guilty since she knows too but she doesn't speak up about it. Why? Because she wants to help. She wants to help Nova live.

Instead of getting a check up by Russel she snuck out and went to the great hall to see Nova's people. When she opened the door she got multiple stares and multiple people stood up. "What the hell are you doing here?" Echo questions and Violet looks around at the group of people who want to defend Nova.

"I'm not here to fight. I'm here to help" Violet declares as she slowly approaches them. "We don't want your help. You kill our people and think you can get away with it?" Echo asks before Bellamy intervenes and steps past her, looking to Violet with curiosity. "Is Clarke alive?" Bellamy asks and Violet swallows a large lump in her throat. "Yes and so is Nova" Violet replies and he lets out a sigh of relief.

"This is the first body i've been in in 200 years. I thought it would be different. I thought that Russel would be doing this with permission, instead he stole this body. I don't want to do that so, let me help" Violet urges and everyone looks around at each other. "You really want to help?" Bellamy asks and Violet nods her head. "Then you're going to come with us when our ship lands and you're going to let us get Clarke" Bellamy says and Violet furrows her eyebrows and looks at him. "And Nova?" Violet asks and Bellamy has a face of realization and so does Violet, "You— you only care about Clarke. All of you only care about Clarke" Violet says and Bellamy clears his throat in embarrassment. "I'll come with you to your ship. I won't tell Josephine and I won't tell Russel" Violet agrees and Bellamy nods his head slowly.

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