Chapter 4 - Hang out

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It's been about 3 months since Judy saw Skyler in the infirmary. During this time, Judy gradually began to adjust to school and to make new friendships.

She and Clara had good friendships. With Skyler... they begin to have a rather complicated relationship. Avery, on the other hand, occasionally helped freshmen.

Although Judy and Raylee talked sometimes at school, she hasn't revealed their secrets to anyone yet. The school only saw Judy as a fan. And, with the influence of the Joker, they continued to lead a peaceful school life.

"How about hanging out after school?" It was Clara who asked

"Okay! We'll meet after school then! Shall we go to the mall again?" Judy agreed without hesitation.

"Of course," Clara said. The two of them got along as if they were sisters.

"Actually... do you mind if I invite Skyler too?" Judy asked

"Skyler? Are you sure? I don't think that unruly boy would want to hang out with us. Besides, his stare scares me." Clara hesitated

"Don't worry, he'll agree. Behind that dreadful gaze lies a lamb. I'll convince him." Judy said

"Okay, but I have a request too, can you convince the King?" Clara asked

"King? Why? And why do you think I can convince him?" Judy asked

"You two seem pretty close? I'm sure he'll agree if you ask." Clara, holding Judy's hand, asked

"Okay... I'll try! But I can't guarantee it." Judy replied

Judy was stunned by this request from her friend. She didn't know that the school saw them so close. But still, the first thing he did was to call her brother.

"Hello!" Judy spoke cheerfully.

"What do you want?" But Raylee, on the contrary, replied boredly.

"Be cheerful, otherwise no one will approach you. And how right is it to be like that when talking to your sister?" Judy asked

"Come to the point, Judy, I'm busy," Raylee replied in the same, bored tone.

"Oh my god! I was going to go for a walk with my friends. I was going to ask if you would come too. But as far as I can tell, you can't." Judy replied

"You're right I won't be able to come with you. Besides, weren't you the one who wanted us to stay away from each other at school? Why are you inviting me?" Raylee asked

"I want to hang out with my brother is that bad? We haven't spent any time together since I came to school." Judy raised her voice slightly.

"I understand, but being King is hard. Let's go out tomorrow if you want?" Raylee asked

"OK! See you tomorrow then!" Judy cheerfully replied

"See you." After Raylee answered too, he hung up and sighed.

Judy, on the other hand, was cheerful, forgetting the real reason she called her brother. After a short while, she went to Clara and explained the situation. She said Raylee couldn't come, he had work to do. He naturally hid the news that the two of them would go out together tomorrow.

"I didn't expect any other way anyway" Clara sighed and replied.

"What about Skylar?" Clara asked

"Oh, I didn't ask him," Judy replied

"What didn't you ask?" Standing behind Judy, Skyler interrupted their conversation

"HA!" Judy jumped and turned around.

"We're going to the mall, come with us," Clara said

"No" Skyler replied suddenly

"Why? Do you have more important things to do? Like sitting in your room alone." Clara hit a weak spot

At that, Skyler just grunted

"Come on, come with us! We'll have fun!" Judy took Skyler's arm and said

"Let go of my arm!"

"Come with us!"

Judy and Skyler continued this discussion for 3 minutes. Clara, on the other hand, looked at them and did not get involved in the debate.

"Okay, but only today. Don't ask me that again! Also, let go of my arm" Skyler said, slightly raising his voice.

"I can't promise." Judy let go of Skyler's arm and said

"Let's go!" Clara said with a grin

Mall entertainment happened in a classic, non-attraction way. Cinema, arcade, shopping Classic stuff that every friend group does.

Judy had on her mind the next day. She hasn't spent time with her older brother for a long time, and they haven't even spoken properly since he started high school.

"Are we doing it again tomorrow?" After returning from the mall, while waiting in front of the dorms, Clara asked

"No, I'm not free tomorrow" Judy had answered as Clara waited for this answer from Skyler.

"How so?" Clara asked, frankly even Skyler was taken aback.

"See you later!" Judy left without giving a full answer.

"Do you have an idea?" Clara asked Skyler, who was left with her.

"I don't know, I don't care. See you later." Clara was left alone in front of the dormitories

The next day, the siblings went out to hang out together after a long time. Judy couldn't help but be excited. Raylee was happy inside even if he didn't show it. Unlike yesterday, they did not go to the mall. Instead, they preferred to just walk outside. Grab a snack and walk. That was their plan. Preferably they went somewhere far from Wellston. They didn't want to be seen together near the school.

"I miss my mom and dad." Judy suddenly said

"Right now? Tell me. You've been here for 3 months, I've been here for 3 years." Raylee replied

"Why do you think dad objected so much to the two of us coming here? Okay, I know Wellston is a big and prestigious school, but it's not nice that he sent us here without our consent." Judy voiced her rebellion

Although Raylee knew the answer, he didn't say anything. He pulled Judy to him with just one hand.

"Don't worry about it, there's nothing we can do now." He said as he hugged the head of his sister next to him with one hand.

"No one messed with you at school, right?" Then he immediately asked

"No, the Joker does his job well!" Judy allusively said. Raylee just grinned

"Do you know who the first Joker is?" Judy asked

"I wish I knew. Then I would have slapped him for giving such great responsibility to future kings." Raylee replied slightly annoyed.

"I'm sure you would!" Judy said with her head alluding to her brother.

The peaceful time between the two siblings had passed. But neither of them was aware that they were being watched from afar.


I'm sorry

Until next time, cya

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2023 ⏰

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