Skills Explanation Corner!

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Mio: 'Sup ya cunts, this is the skills explanation corner where I tell you all about the skills I got in the chapter because somebody forgot to put them in the chapter.

She gives the author a glance. The author flailed their arms in the air in defense.

Author: I'm sorry okay! I was too focused on the story.

Mio: Yeah yeah, whatever you say.

She waved her hand dismissing the authors words.

Author: You know I can break you and Alexis up right?

Mio: Like you have the balls to do that

Tears streamed down the author's face as they hug Alexis seeking comfort.

Author: Waaaah, Alexis your girlfriend is being mean to meeee!

Mio's face grew bright red.

Mio: W-wha-

Alexis patted their head to comfort them

Alexis: There there, Mio doesn't mean it, right, Mio?

She gave her a scary smile and Mio jumped a bit.

Mio: Y-yeah, I didn't mean it.

Author: R-really?

Mio: Yeah, as important knowing what the skills do, having a good flowing story is as important. So cheer up, okay?

They wiped their eyes of any tears as they calmed down. They then clapped thier hands together as they had a bright smile.

Author: Okay!

Mio faceplanted on the floor at how quick the author changed moods while Alexis just giggled.

Mio: Were you even actually sad?

Author: Of course I was, just because I forgot to put in the skill description doesn't mean I don't care you know.

They held their finger up while spinning it around in a playful manner, Mio sweatdropped at the authors' behavior.

Mio: Ya cheeky-

Author: Anywho, let's get on with the skills since I don't want this chapter to run long.

Mio: Fine.

Alexis: Okay.~

The author nodded while they had their hands on their hips.

Author: Let's start with the Raging Bull's Bracers. Mio, Alexis.

They nodded, Alexis struck a fighting stance as she held her daggers close, Mio got into a fighting stance as well as her arms glowed and the bracers were equipped.

Author: Let's start with the first skill. Raging Aura.

Mio nodded to them.

Mio: Raging Aura!

A red aura surrounded her causing her hair to flow as if the wind was pushing it, she rushed at Alexis at an astonishing speed and delivered a punch straight at her, Alexis formed an X with her arms while she held daggers the sides facing Mio. The hit connected and Alexis was sent flying through a boulder and crashed into a tree.

Author/Mio: Alexis!

We rushed to her side and checked on her, thankfully only her arms are broken and she just has a few scratches but her daggers were shattered. Mio was freaking out while Alexis tried to calm her down.

Author: I'm so sorry Alexis. Next time we'll test them out on monsters instead.

Alexis: It's alright, you can just heal me.

Mio: That's right! I completely forgot, you can heal her since you control the story.

Author: I can? I can! Alright, please hold still Alexis.

She nodded and I held up my hands my palms facing her.

Author: Oh nature's grace, please lend me thy power to heal what has been broken. Holy Heal!

My hands glowed bright green as I finished the spell, Alexis then glowed the same color and her arms started to heal. After a few seconds her arms are completely healed, she swung her arms a bit to see if anything was wrong.

Alexis: They're healed! Thank you, author.

She gave me a smile to which I nodded.

Author: No problem. Should we continue the skills explanation?

She nodded then got up with us following suit, she went to grab her daggers but she saw they were shattered. She was saddened because of the current state of her weapons.

Alexis: My daggers..

Mio: Don't worry Alexis, we'll get you new ones, right author?

Author: Yup, I mean I was gonna give you a new weapon in the future.

Alexis brightened up at this.

Alexis: Really!

Author: Yup but for now, you'll have to make do with these.

A pair of daggers that were identical appeared in my hands and I handed them to her.

Alexis: Alright, I'm looking forward to my new weapon.

Author: Okay, let's get back into the explanation.

I cleared my throat then closed my eyes and held up my right index finger while my left arm was behind me.

Author: As you can see Raging Aura boosts the user's attack and agility by 10%, this paired with Mio's already high attack and agility she's a force to be reckoned with.

Mio: Should we demonstrate Bull's Rage?

Author: No an explanation should be enough for now.

Mio: Alright.

Author: Bull's Rage is the same as Raging Aura but this skill puts the user in a raging state significantly increasing their stats, but they can't tell friend from foe so they randomly attack anything around them. Now for the last skill of the Raging Bull's Bracers. Bull's Charge.

Mio: What should I use it on?

They snapped their fingers and five boulders in a line appeared beside them each one increasing in size.

Author: These will do.

Mio nodded and faced the line of boulders.

Mio: Bull's Charge!

An orange aura surrounded her as two bull horns made of the aura swirled on her head. She charged forward at breakneck speed breaking through each boulder, she broke the last one and skidded to a stop. Alexis and the author clapped at Mio's performance while she was rubbing her nose in triumph.

Author: As you can see, Bull's Charge had the user to charge at their target like a bull, this skill increases the users defense and agility by 10% as well, allowing them to charge without much worry about taking damage themselves, the only downside they can only charge in a straight line. That's all for the Raging Bull's Bracers. Now for the Druid Claws.

They snapped their fingers and a wooden dummy appeared.

Author: Small HP regen and Small MP regen are pretty self-explanatory, they recover HP and MP, these are passive skills so Mio is always recovering HP and MP, the amount that's recovered is fixed at 10% for every 5 seconds however, if Mio gains a skill similar to these two they can be fused for a better version. For Bear Claw Slash...

They nodded to Mio, Mio equiped the Druid Claws and got ready.

Mio: Bear Claw Slash!

She slashed her claws and green slashes flew towards the dummy cutting it into pieces, the pieces fell to the ground.

Author: This skill sends out a slash reminiscent of a bear's claw at the target cutting them. That's it for this skills explanation corner.

Mio: See ya.

Alexis: Goodbye.

Author: Bye guys, see ya in the next chapter.

We all bowed.

word Count: 1,141~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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