Chapter 2

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Author note : decided to add more to this chapter to make it a bit longer as thought it would make the chapter better.

Lisa's P.O.V.

I looked down at the younger girl that I had bumped into 'wow..she looks so much like me and my siblings' I thought to myself before saying "No it was my fault don't worry, I was distracted and didn't mean to bump into you"
"OMG..your Lisa" I heard the other girl say
"Faith, calm down, she's just a normal person like us..I'm sorry about that, it's nice to meet you Lisa I'm Skye.." The girl I bumped into said
"Nice to meet you girls, it's alright really" I replied
"Oh there you are Lisa" I heard behind me before I turned around to see Lauren and Dani behind me
"Well we should get going it was nice meeting you Lisa" Skye said before taking Faith's arm before walking off "Who was that Lisa?" Lauren asked "Faith and her friend Skye, I believe they are fans, I accidentally bumped into Skye.." I said
"Aww that's cool, the girls both looked happy, maybe we might meet them again" Dani said
"..yeah strange thing is, she looks like can't be our Skye could it..?" I asked looking at them confused wishing the two girls I just met hanged around longer
"Let's go see if we can find them again, maybe hang out with them and try find out more about Skye before we make any assumptions..wouldn't want to get our hopes up if she's not.." Lauren said truthfully
I nodded following my younger sisters in the direction that the two girls went
"There they are" Dani said pointing towards Bath & Body Works
"Hey Faith and Skye" I said walking up behind the two girls
"Hey..Omg it's Lauren and Dani too..this day just got so much better" I heard Faith say excitedly but Skye remained quiet
"Hey girls, would you like to come to lunch with us?" Dani asked
"Yeah that would be awesome, can we Skye?" Faith replied before turning to face Skye that was looking down before glancing up at us
"...uh...sure I guess..." Skye replied as she glanced around at us
"Yay! I just need to get a few things so if you guys have to go, we could meet you at the food court?" Faith said excitedly
"It will be really good to get to know you both better, yeah we should probably go meet up with the others but we will wait in the food court for you both" Lauren said
"We won't be long, see you all soon" Faith responded before grabbing Skye's arm gently and wandering off further into the store
"Come on, let's go meet mom and the girls. We need to give them a heads up about Skye.." I said turning around and leading my two younger sisters to the food court
"There you girls are, we were wondering where you guys had gone. Is everything alright?" Mom said as we approached her and our sisters near the food court
"Lisa bumped into two of our fans, one of them we think might be our missing little sister...when we met her and her friend, I had a gut feeling it was our Skye.." Dani said with a smile on her face
"We invited her and her friend for lunch, to try get to know Skye better but she's looks like a perfect mix of us all. I can't help but already feel protective over her after I bumped it to her, there was an instant connection" I said truthfully
"Then let's hold on to hope that it is our baby sister and that's she's finally been found after all this time" Christina added as we took our seats at some of the vacant tables in the food court

*time skip 5 mins*

Skye's P.O.V.

"All done?" I asked Faith as we made our way through the aisles
"Yeah, let me go pay then we can head to the food court, don't want to keep the Cimorelli's waiting too long" Faith replied heading towards the checkouts
"Is it weird I feel like I've met them before today..I don't know how but when I bumped into Lisa it's like I remembered her from when I was little..." I said glancing at Faith
"Maybe you should ask them if they knew your parents. Could they be old family friends that stopped contact and that's why your parents get uneasy any time the Cimorelli's are mentioned?" Faith replied before putting her basket up at till and paying for her items
"You could be right..hopefully I can get the chance to ask them" I responded
"I'm sure you will, come on let's get to the food court now" Faith said as she took the bag and change from the cashier
I nodded as I followed Faith out of Bath & Body Works and towards the food court fidgeting with my fingers
"Hey, look at me, no matter what happens, you've still got me and my mom okay?" Faith said setting down her bags and pulling me into a hug
I nodded into her shoulder glancing behind her to be met with the eyes of the Cimorelli sisters and their mom watching us before letting go and heading towards them
"Is everything alright?" Lisa asked as we approached where they were seated
"Everything's fine, Skye's just a little nervous, she finds meeting new people hard" Faith responded for me as I mouthed her a thank you
"That's quite alright, it's okay to be nervous but don't worry none of us bite, Lisa saved two seats for you both" Lynne said smiling at us
"Thank you" I replied before sitting down besides Lisa noticing that her sisters and mom were staring at me
"why do your mom and sisters keep staring at me..?" I asked her quietly feeling anxious
"I'm not sure" She replies before giving her siblings a look before looking back at me
"So I know my girls order, what would you like Faith and Skye?" Lynne asked
"We can order our own food Mrs Cimorelli but thank you for the offer" Faith said as she glanced at me
"Okay that's fine I'll be right back then" Lynne said before walking off "Just the usual Skye?" Faith asked "Yes please" I replied before I watched her walk off and glanced up to see all the Cimorelli girls smiling at me
"So Skye tell us more about you. I'm sure you already know about us"Christina asked smiling at me "..umm..what would you like to know?" I said glancing around "What's your hobbies?" Amy asked "..I like to sing and dance but I stopped that awhile ago.." I said honestly thinking back to when I had to stop as mom and dad didn't want anyone finding out about the bruises and marks they gave me
"How come you stopped? If you don't mind me asking" Katherine asked "My mom and dad wanted me to focus more on school and not have any distractions" I lied smiling small
"So what were you and Faith doing before you bumped into our sisters?" Christina asked
"We were getting some materials for making some gifts..for you guys..since we are going to your show tomorrow night.." I replied glancing around at the girls
"Yay we get to hang out again tomorrow, I'm sure mom could get you and Faith backstage access" Lisa said smiling before taking out her phone and began texting someone I think
"Hey girls, here's your food" Lynne said as she approached the table Faith behind her carrying a tray of food "Thanks Faith" I said as she handed me my food
"No problem bestie" She replied before sitting besides me as the girls began to eat the food their mom brought
"Skye told us her and Faith are coming to our show tomorrow night mom, do you think you could get them backstage passes?" Amy asked her mom
"Yes, what I'll do I'll have one of the security meet you girls in the lobby tomorrow and bring you back to the girls dressing room" Lynne said
"Omg thank you! I can't wait" Faith said excitedly "I'm really glad my mom managed to convince your parents eventually to let you come to the show Skye" she added which caused everyone to look towards me "My mom and dad, they don't like me going out places without them often, I guess they are just over protective only started when me and Faith told them about the tour and how we wanted to see you.." I said whispering the last part hoping they wouldn't catch on
"Yeah that's a good point Skye, but the main thing is they finally said yes" Faith said side hugging me before we continued eating
"What are your girls plans after this? Do you need me to call anyone to collect you or I can drop you off anywhere" Lynne asked
"Faith's mom will be collecting us, Faith has her phone so she can let her mom know once we are done at the mall. We don't have any plans after this really" I said
"Well if you want to hangout with my daughters for longer I can call Faith's mom and ask if that would be okay for you girls to come back to the hotel or something" Lynne said
"That would have been great Mrs Cimorelli but Skye's parents probably wouldn't allow her too, she's only allowed to be at my house and the mall if my mom takes us. Her parents are strict that way at the moment" Faith said looking sad
"Yeah thank you Mrs Cimorelli, it would have been great fun to spend more time with the girls but Faith's right is be in a lot of trouble for going without my parents consent and they are hard to convince..especially since they haven't met you.." I said
"Well I'll be happy to speak to your parents to Skye if you have their number?" Lynne replied
I nodded and looked to Faith "your mom could give her my parents number if your mom says yes"
"This will be so fun if they say yes, we really want to spend time with you two before the show" Katherine said and the other girls agreed

Lynne's P.O.V.

"Here's my mom's number" said Faith handing over her phone as I took out my phone dialling the number
"Hello Mrs Roberts, my names Lynne Cimorelli. Your daughter and Skye bumped into us today as I know they are both fans of my daughters band..the girls were wondering if they could hang out for a few more hours?" I asked when Faith's mother answered "Yes, Faith would be allowed but I would have to contact Skye's parents for permission, do you want their number?" Mrs Roberts asked
"Yes please that would be great the girls are all having a great time together and I can drop them off to your house later on?" I said
"Okay that's fine by me..their number is..." Mrs Roberts started off before giving me Skye's Parents number "Thank you Mrs Roberts, I'll give you a call or text if they say yes to let you know what's happening" I said before we said our goodbyes and I hung up "I hope your parents say yes Skye"Faith said looking at me hopeful "Yeah I hope so too..I'll be right back" Skye said getting up before heading towards the restrooms
"I'll go check on her" Lisa said getting up and followed Skye
"Faith is everything okay with Skye? Has something happened?" I asked looking at the youngest girl present "I'm not sure, whenever her parents are around, she gives fake smiles, she goes all quiet or withdraws herself when her parents are mentioned..I try not ask about it much as I can tell the subject upsets her.." Faith said glancing at me and the girls

Lisa's P.O.V.

I followed Skye towards the restroom "Is everything okay Skye?" I asked seeing her standing at the sink area "..yeah..I just know they will say no..they've been acting protective ever since they found about the tour coming here...I don't know's like they are hiding something from me.." Skye said looking down at the ground
"Hey I'm sure mom will convince them Skye don't worry" I said putting my hand under her chin lifting her face up looking into her eyes
"..if only I could tell people the whole truth.." Skye whispered quietly which I barley just made out
"What do you mean Skye?" I asked confused
"'s nothing really..I'm just going to go to the toilet and I'll meet you back at the table" Skye said before rushing into one of the stalls
I sighed and stayed watching the stall that Skye entered 'hopefully I can get her to trust one of us..she could be our little sister..she's the perfect mix of all of us..' I thought to myself as I waited for her to come back out

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