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I and veldora were walking and suddenly the goblins appear then I released of some of my aura and then the goblins bow down and ask me for help and then Ciel said to go along with them so me and veldora starting walking with them and suddenly some wolf attacked us but I killed them

 then the goblins look more hopeful but I was confused why they were so happy of me killing a bunch of wolves then I arrived and then the chief goblin told when the storm dragon their deity left the wolf starting attacking them then this idiot of my little brother was gonna say don't fear because the storm dragon is here he nearly ruined the story that Ciel created 

to I smacked him and told him to sit quietly then I understood why they where so happy about me killing the a bunch of wolf and then Ciel said to accept and ask for the compensation they said they cloud-only offer their loyalty so Ciel told me to accept and then time skip to night time when the wolf attacked I told them not to attack but the wolf pack leader attack and then I killed him

 then the wolf tribe bow to me and then in the morning i said that i was going to give them name they said i know that rimuru sama is strong bu-i said dont worry i can give you all name and ciel told me 1 thing that when a name them they will become nearly as strong as a unawakend demon lord or S-speical class

so I asked Ciel to do something then she adjusted the magiclues and then I turn on auto naming and the names are cannon no change so yeah(yh i am to lazy)so then i said to start building houses but they created something that wasn't even 

close to it so Ciel suggest that i go to dwargon and hire some dwarf so when i said that I was leaving to get some worker to rigurd then the next day they said don't leave us rimuru sama i just told them i will be back in 1 week then i left for dwargon and then Ciel told the location of the kajins brother and then i enter they said that they don't have time

they said they needed to create 20 swords (forgot the name guys sorry) and then i copied them and asked them if they could come to my country and then vesta started saying that your going to leave that is taboo and some bs

 and then i punched him knocking him unconscious and then i got arrested and then the court trial and then the king came and then i realised of my some aura all the people were on their knees but the king was clam and then he said sorry and that the kajins brother can go to your country or village 

and and the king of dwargon asked me form the treaty and it the same like the technology will be shared and then came back and after week the village was looking good shape and then i heard that there a bunch of adventurer and then ciel and go and help them so did as ciel asked me then bug was about to slash the masked woman

 and then i throw black lighting at the but and then i invited the adventurer to come to my village and then and i asked rigurd to make some food before hand so they ate and then night time and then i went to the cliff and sat beside the woman and then we starting talking and then she said that this village is beautiful

 and then i asked here if she wanted to stay and then she said that she will only cause trouble and then i said that you belong to me so i will take care of any trouble you cause and then she starting blushing and then ciel i called out to ciel she didn't reply and i said that dont worry your also mine ciel and that i love you equaly 

and then she starting blushing as well and then we went back and fell i asleep and in the morning i asked her name she said shizu and then i said that form onward shizu you belong to me and then in the afternoon she lost control

and then i sealed ifrit in side me and then i went to shizu san and then picked here up and carried here to building and when she woke up she said that i dont have much time to live and then i asked here a question 

would you like to live she said yes and then i asked Ciel to create and a new spirit and then the tissue that was burned started recovering and then I asked Ciel what spirit did you gave she said the spirit of ra and Shizu asked me a question how strong would I be

and I asked Ciel she said that she would be on par with a true dragon I asked her isn't that a little to op she said that if she want to be master second wife she has to be strong and then I said how the first she said that it me I just sigh and said that she would be as strong as a awakend demon lord or maybe if she trained hard a true dragon if she can master her ability and then she said WHAT!! 


yes you heard me right you would be as strong as a true dragon(forgot to mention when she smacked veldora and then after that she said that you will be in my personal space so she sent him some manga yes she does know about manga because of plot armor)

and the next chapter will be about the number 1 COMMANDER OF RIMURU ARMY YOU SHOULD NOW AND ik I am doing it too fast but it would be boring if I did to and I did over 1000 words it is very hard if your not a writer you wont know cya

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