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velzard pov

the weather was nice today so I went on a stroll it was sunny but suddenly the sun was covered up by the cloud which was creating lighting and then I felt a similar presence it was nee-chan it was big sis presence but then it vanished

rimuru pov

Ciel: good morning master

rimuru:good morning Ciel how long did I sleep for

Ciel:master slept for 14 million year

rimuru:that a good nap i guess

ciel:that was too long

rimuru: can you tell me what happened in this last 14 million year

Ciel: you got 3 new family member

rimuru:that great!!! what happens to veldanava I can't sense his presence has veldanava become more powerful than me?

Ciel:report veldanava has died master

rimuru what there is no way he died he is the strongest of curse not including me how did he died?

Ciel:master veldanava died because he lost his power

rimuru:i see was he happy before he died

ciel:yes he was

rimuru:i see

so let go visit velzard ciel can you teleport me to velzard(TP)

yes master

thank ciel your the best

velzard pov

i was thinking about the presence that i felt was nee-chan i was alone sitting on the mountain

rimuru pov 

then ciel tp me to velzard she was sitting on a mountain she grew up to be i fine lady huh sliver hair and blue eye i quickly sat beside her and i said hello velzard she was supprise but as soon as she saw me she gave me a hug i starting pating here head then she told me that veldanava died but i said i already knew and then we starting talking about what happened this year and then i said my goodbey and then left ciel can you tell me what to do ciel immediately relied she said that i already creating i story line ciel your the best and at that she blused and was happy and know she is becoming more and more human it was good for me so that i can tease her more she immediately tp me to veldora cave and then i sense and large ammount of energy i cloud sense something that was like me so i headed stairght toward it and then i found a dragon

veldora pov

i sensed a strong aura i thought that it was my sister but there was i blueish sliver hair girl she had golden eye she was the most beatiful women i met but my instinct where tell me to run then she said something that wloud make me scared she said she was my oldest sister was she here to punish me because i lost to a human or wrost 

rimru pov

hello veldora i am your big sis my name is rimuru tempest and i came here to free you form your seal really he said and he said your the best nee-chan and then i realease him form his prison he was flying around then i called him and gave him a body 

guy that it for chapter 1 and if you dont like it leave now because your just gonnna demotiwait me

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