Cæcilie's Story

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  • Dedicated to Cæcilie

1. Chapter

The door beside me opened and I could hear Marie’s voice say my name far away. I could feel her hands grabbing my shoulders and shaking me lightly. “Cæcilie. We’re here. Cille…” Slowly I opened my eyes and saw the world before me. I was in a cap. My head was lying on my big red suitcase and my legs were curled up beside me. I sat up and stretched my legs as much as I could. Which was not much. The cap was smaller than my bathroom at home…

I yawned and turned my head to look at my friend sitting there next to me and the bags. “How long was the ride?” I asked her and ran my fingers through my long, brown hair. “Half an hour” She said. She opened the door and got out. “Come on Cæcilie! We’ve got to get inside.” I opened the other car door and got out pulling my suitcase out with me.

In front of me was a big white building with windows all the way up to the roof and in between them was the hotel’s name written with big blue letters “Strand Palace Hotel”. The front door was brown and light shone out from inside the building. I grinned at Marie. “It looks like the buildings in one of those cartoons they always show on TV” I laughed, but Marie didn’t even smile. “Help me with the bags Cille.” I left the suitcase on the sidewalk and started pulling out the bags from the cap.

“We’re only staying here for one night so don’t get too excited.” Marie said and winked at me. “Why? Where are we going?”

Marie had planned it all. The trip, the hotel, the transport. All I had to do was to show up at the airport at the right time with my bags. I would gladly have planned it with her, but she had insisted. “I am the oldest. It’s my job.” She’d said. And she was right. She was the oldest. She was about a year older than me, but you couldn’t see or feel it. She was 17 years old, tall and beautiful with her blond hair and her blue eyes. I had known her since I was 10. We had met at some birthday party and immediately become friends. She was like a sister to me now.

“I pulled some strings.” She smiled and paid the driver. “Do you remember Maria?”

Maria was my best friends. Or at least had been. We had known each other forever, but half a year ago she had moved to London with her dad at the age of 18 when he had found a girl on a business trip and fallen in love. I hadn’t seen her ever since.

“Of course I remember her. It’s only been six months and you don’t just forget your friends.”

Marie grabbed her sports bags, one in each hand and pushed the door open with her shoulder. “Well, we’re meeting her today for lunch. And later we’re meeting one of my old friends for dinner” She walked to the counter and quickly got hold of our keys to our room. “Busy, huh?! The next thing will probably be a concert…” I mumbled as I followed her to our room with my two suitcases rolling after me. She looked over her shoulder at me and her smile widened. “You’re not wrong.” Shock crossed my face and my jaw dropped. “You’re kidding, right?! A concert?! With who?” She laughed and opened the door. “I don’t know actually… My friend has taken care of it. She just asked me if we wanted to come to a concert with her.” “Maria?” She shook her head. “No. A girl I met a few years ago on a language travel. You’ll meet her later.” I walked into the room and put my suitcases on one of the two beds in the left side of the room. “Unpack your things and then we’re off for lunch.” I rolled my eyes at her, but opened the first suitcase.

It wasn’t because we were going to be away for very long. Not even two weeks. But I’m a girl and a girl needs stuff when she leaves home. For example her One Direction poster...

I took the poster up from the suitcase and put it up on the wall over the table next to the bed. Marie laughed and started unpacking her luggage. I kissed the picture of Niall smiling face and grinned at her “A girl needs what a girl needs” I said and took out my clothing from the suitcase.

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