chapter 35.

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Anthonie De'luca:

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Anthonie De'luca:

Rhea and I were jolted awake by a certain Gremlin jumping around our bed.

" It's Christmas eve!" Marc shouted over the squeaking of the bed. He landed on his knees after his final jump and scurried in between me and Rhea.

We had arrived in the alps the day before yesterday. We took yesterday as a rest day due to the majority of us experiencing jet-lag and having to get used to the time change.

Today we would take the kids sledding, dinner was at six-thirty sharp, and then we would watch a movie before the kids opened their one present for tonight.

" Are you excited to go sledding?" Rhea asked as he squeezed himself under the sheets, cuddling up to Rhea as she played with his unruly morning hair.

" Yes, I love the snow." Marc grinned brightly, his eyes twinkling with excitement and pure joy.

This was probably one of the first times where he was actually happy since he killed Rose. His smile hadn't been this bright in a while and that made me feel like we were doing something right.

" Also, the cooks said that breakfast would be ready in thirty minutes." Marc looked between me and Rhea expectantly, batting his eyes as if he were silently communicating with us.

Rhea and I laughed as we took the hint to get out of bed and get ready to go downstairs.

" I'll just wait right here for you guys," he announced as he made himself comfortable in the middle of the bed.

Rhea's soft chuckle followed behind me as I entered our bathroom. She popped up beside me as I handed her the toothpaste. She reached over and grabbed her electric toothbrush from its charger and squeezed some onto the bristles.

" Good morning, bubba." Rhea smiles before powering the toothbrush on and placing it into her mouth. Her lips around it as she moved the brush towards the back of her mouth.

" Good morning, piglet." I winked as the burn of her glare started holes into the side of my face at the use of the nickname.

Over time the name grew on her, she just didn't want to admit it yet but I know it did.

After we brush our teeth, I tried to somewhat tame the mass of waves on top of my head before going downstairs. " You should wear your hair like this more often," Rhea slides in between me and the counter. She ran her dark red painted fingernails through my hair as she fluffed and played with it.

I hummed softly as her nails dragged softly against my scalp, a tingling feeling running down my spine as she focused on fixing up my hair. She chewed on her bottom lip as she quirked her brow in serious concentration.

" I like that," she declared as she smiled at her handiwork.

I gently pushed her aside to see my normally tamed and gelled hair, wavy and in its natural state. I scrunch my nose up slightly, I hadn't worn my hair like this in years.

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