Beginning of the End - Future Trunks x God of Destruction!Reader

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They did my boi Trunks dirty in super he deserved a more streamlined plot and character arc. I r e a l l y didn't like how they wrapped up that arc man

I'm 99.99999% sure Trunks is a grown adult during his arc in super plus he's been one of my childhood favorite characters so I had to write a fic on him

Also the song above goes hard-

Y'all are the GoD of universe 10 since that's where the Future Trunks arc took place i think. Also you're have an anthropomorphic form like Beerus and some of the other GoDs and you can take on a human form, id imagine kind of like a dragon-

Enjoy~ :)

Enjoy~ :)---------------------------

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Garbage. Waste of space. All the same. They never learn from their mistakes. They never understand the definition of insanity. Most of them, at least. But you had never had the need to take action and destroy them all yourself. Your moral compass wouldn't allow that. Besides, where's the fun in that? Your universe should be presentable for Lord Zeno, at the very least. You'd simply stick to your routine of destroying worlds that didn't live up to your standards. Any world you deemed to be too unruly or chaotic was annihilated, excluding innocents. Compared to the other universes, yours was the most organized and peaceful. All the planets you've spared revered you for your benevolence and mercy towards civilians. You always went out of your way to make sure to visit each one overtime to keep them in check. You earn that status of destroyer god after countless centuries of training, you eventually surpassed Beerus in power, the strongest of the Gods of Destruction. If any diety should be respected, it was you.

After your three hundred year slumber, you awaken on your comfortable bed, covered in the finest pillows and blankets from across the multiverse. Your eyes fluttered open as you stretched your muscles. It wasn't often that you slept, but you always took the opportunity when it arose.

"Ah, you have awakened, my lord. How was your rest?" Kusu** spoke, bowing in respect. Slowly rising up into a sitting position, you let a small yawn escape your lips.

"Good morning, Kusu, or whatever time it is. I slept quite well. Prepare a bath for me, would you? I wish to be clean before we return to business. I should visit Gowasu before that actually, I desire his tea," you declared.

"Very well, my lord, I shall see to it" Kusu replied.

After the Bath

You feel nothing short of rejuvenated. You stretch your arms again, swishing your tail back and forth, getting used to moving around again, considering your lengthy nap.

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