3rd encounter - Wedding Cakes, coffee and Pizza

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Saturday was usually Kirsty’s day for having a nice long lazy lie in. So she didn’t appreciate being woken up at six thirty in the morning by her cell phone going of on the bed stand next to her

Reluctantly, she opened her eyes and reached for her phone to answer it

“Hello?” she demanded a little grumpily

“Kirsty, thank goodness!” she recognised Alannah’s relieved tone, “I am really sorry waking you up at this time, but its an emergency”

“Why? What has happened?” Kirsty demanded slightly alarmed, and pulling herself up into a semi sitting position onto her side, wondering what could be wrong?”

“Well I have had an unexpected phone call from one of my client’s, remember that footballer I told you about?”

“Yeah vaguely,” Kirsty replied, recalling her cousin mentioning an English footballer who was going to France, He had hired Alannah to be his PR because lately his private life had been filled with scandal to do with his drinking and drug taking which were all over the tabloid papers lately

“Well his wife has just announced she is going to leave him, and he is in a bit of a state, so I am going to have to go over to France, I have booked a flight to take me there in an hour’s time” Alannah then explained.

“I see,” Kirsty replied, bewildered why Alannah had phoned her up to tell her all this

“The thing is, I was suppose to meet up with Matt this morning at ten o’clock, we were going to choose the wedding cake and pick the invitation cards, but I won’t get back in time. So I was wondering if you could go along instead,” Alannah said, ”I have sent him a quick email with the some of details, but I need you there, just to make sure it is all ok, and sign for it all in my absence” Alannah said

“I see” Kirsty said again, only this time in realisation, but she could hardly say no, considering she had told Alannah already she could depend on her if something like this should happen. Even if she felt a certain reluctance at the thought of it.

She cursed the footballer’s wife for picking this weekend of all weekends for leaving her husband and causing all this upset.

“I am sorry, if you had other plans this Saturday, but you would be doing me a really big favour, I will make it up to you, I promise” Alannah then said.

“It’s ok,” Kirsty replied soothingly, “I wasn’t doing anything important anyway,” she added truthfully.

She had just planned to lounge around the house most of the day. It was not like she had a boyfriend or a great social life, with friends to meet or plans to make,“ she realised a little bitterly.

“Oh thank you, you are a sweetheart,” Alannah exclaimed happily, “You still have Matt’s number, don’t you? Just give him a ring, and he will arrange where you can meet”

“OK, will do,” Kirsty said in resignation,

“Great, hopefully I should be back before the end of the week,” Alannah told her, “Just text or phone me if you need to know anything, and thanks again, I am just trying to stick to the schedule Matt gave me, so everything will be ready on time, that‘s why I need to sort the cake and invitations out this week” she then explained

“I understand,” Kirsty replied, “Like I said, it’s no problem, if I need to confirm anything, I will be in touch with you,“ she finished in a casual tone that belied her true feelings

They exchanged goodbyes before hanging up. Kirsty lay back in her bed wide awake now, watching as the first light of day glimmered in the sky.

Three weeks had passed from the night of Alannah and Craig’s engagement party, and just for a short while she had been almost been able to push all the wedding business to the back of her mind. But now she was being pulled back into the thick of things, and with Matt Crawford of all people.

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