Other Thing

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I did it. It's finished. 

Thank you all for taking part in Sora's journey from a disappointment into The Wolf Witch. She's going into the next book. I advise you all to prepare yourselves for the Mortance trilogy(?) that I will commence writing shortly, it's gonna be epic. The story of The Wolf Witch (the character) is only just now beginning. 

Anywho, if you have any questions or comments, please leave a comment literally anywhere on the story and I'll do my best to answer it. I also made a google form for any feedback you might have: https://forms.gle/69YeTFtyTfV9fNps8. (Copy and paste it, Wattpad sucks on this front) If you would take a few minutes to fill that out, it would drastically improve my writing, which means better stories for you guys so it's really a win-win. 

Thank you all for reading The Wolf Witch and being a part of this journey. Hopefully I won't deprive you of material to read for too long, as I'm planning both a sequel focused more on the thousand year war and the silver girl and a spin off story with my good friend @SirFarmsAlot taking place somewhere else completely plus much more to come. I hope you guys enjoyed This story, and I hope you guys are ready for more (or will be, at least), because you'll be getting so much more. 

Again, thank you all, happy holidays, and I hope to be writing you something new very soon. 

-The author, me (duh)

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