The attack

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At the abandoned prison Artemis is there joined by butler and 4 LEP recon officers, Artemis has Foaly through his undetected ear piece.

Artemis POV:
Holly is in here she had to be, she could be dead so we must hurry, what happens if we don't get to her in time, Artemis pull it together.

"The plan is to sneak in and under any circumstance do not be spotted or you will face the consequences."

We set off, opening a rusty door and all five of us snuck in.

I went off at Butler and the other three recon offices went their own separate ways.

We began searching.

* Time skip 10 minutes*

"Shhh .... Butler I can hear something, it sounds like speaking, It could be Holly, this way."

Butler followed me to where I knew the sound was coming from.

No one's POV:
" Hello Holly did you really think your friends would come and save you let alone Artemis fowl. He doesn't really care about you it's all in your head."

Artemis was pained by what Opal was saying to Holly that he made a rash move.

" I do not think you know what I'm thinking, as in that case you're wrong, I came here to save Holly."

Holly looked weak, her skin was paler than usual; she looked very unwell.

Artemis nearly cried (sad boi) , he could not stand to see Holly not like her usually self; bright and lively.

"Stay back don't come any closer" Opal drew a bald and pressed it to Holly's neck.

"No, Opal You don't have to do this, please I'll give you anything, don't hurt Holly."

"Ahh so cute! You do actually care about her, guess I was wrong Holly. But don't worry you still pay the price"

Holly: "Opal please spare me, what do u gain from killing me."

Opal: "I gain much from your murder, the downfall of Artemis Fowl Junior. He can't live without his Holly so he can sacrifice himself in your place and Holly you are free to go."

Artemis: "Opal, Drop the weapons, I will sacrifice myself, let Holly."

Holly: " Arty no, please don't"

Artemis: " Sorry Holly, I have no choice."

Holly: "This was your plan the whole time Opal! I hate you Opal... Arty let me go... I love you"

Artemis and Opal were both shook...

Artemis Fowl x Holly ShortWhere stories live. Discover now