the end(???)

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it's been 15 hours since i uploaded the last chapter and it still feels so goddamn unreal what the fuck

k i'ma just take a moment to thank god-

jk they didn't write this book

ANYWAYS uhm thank you so so so much for reading my bullshit, if you're here that means you made it, i made it, we made it, AHHH

thanks again to my mom for reading every single chapter and letting me know if i fucked something up, ily

and to my best friend for letting me read this book to her and listening to all of my random rants about it and coming up with their own hcs and falling in love with the characters like i did (you should check out her art on ig, they're KawaiiCheese_0v0 there! also very inactive at the moment but she's still drawing i promise lol) (also fun fact r is based on her bhsafjmv)

like i mentioned earlier, you don't have to say goodbye to the characters yet since i'm currently planning the next story i'll throw them into even though the plot has absolutely nothing to do w this one

so yeah, stick around if you wanna know when i'm publishing that one :)

idk what else to say so uhh bye?

and thanks again i love you so fucking much

holy shit i'm gonna hit the "completed" button when i published this


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