I'm Going Insane

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I'm going insane,

did someone just scream my name?

I can't breath,

what just brushed against my knee?

I hear whispering left and right, 

but they become something more.

They scream at me to get it right, 

they scream at me it will be alright, 

they scream at me I'm not alone,

they scream at me to just let go.

I'm going mental!

I'm breaking down! 

Why can't I just be sane?

Why do the continue to scream my name?

I'm never going to get it right, 

I'm never going to be alright, 

I don't believe I'm not alone,

I just can't seem to let go!

They finally decided that I'm insane,

there's something wrong in my brain.

They put me in the mental word,

now I sit here in this bed. 

Writing this poem for all to hear,

I just really hope I don't end up dead this year.

For some of these people are truly insane,

I just really hope I get out before they kill again. 

My Abundunce of PoetryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant